Here is a list of various things I'm working on if you want an update!

Analogous Movement

  • Audio Drama
  • In an attempt to find a new job, Elinor "Eli" Torosian finds herself and her friends dragged into a conundrum that transcends time and space itself.
  • First episode script is finished, casting call now open

Fool's Errand

  • Novella
  • In the era of reconstruction, Wen Huang encounters a woman who specializes in hunting magical creatures for bounty.
  • First draft being written

An Hour of Secrecy

  • Four books
  • Local (future) investigative journalist and medium Hazel Devin gets roped into a paranormal mystery she wants no part in after a ghost warns of an impending darkness upon her neighborhood.
  • Working on the first draft of the first book, Treading the Shadows

But A Lost Wanderer

  • Six books
  • Sage Giovanni's suspicions of her magical abilities are confirmed when she finds herself becoming more fae like, but more answers to her abilities come about as she discovers the world of magic
  • Working on the first draft of the first book, The Sacred Muse Declares

The Reactant

  • Trilogy
  • In a post world water crisis, Joey Shapiro discovers an ability to manipulate atoms that originates from a sinister source.
  • Revising the first draft of the first book, The Reactant
  • Planning second book

A Shot At The Dark (working title)

  • Trilogy
  • Mari Ramirez joins her girlfriend Masami Hayashi on a quest to put a stop to the magical community's attack on the laws of the universe
  • Revamping, still working on the actual plot itself.


  • Standalone
  • Bailey Ko retraces their steps and progression into how they managed to break the biggest rules of the universe- coming back from the dead
  • In planning stages

The Waking World

  • Standalone
  • Penelope Davis agrees to aide an elderly psychic on her journal, but soon finds that her research could have deadly consequences.
  • In planning stages

Untitled plot

  • Trilogy (?)
  • Sushi Joshi rescues a woman from a rocket crash and aides her on the mission she was sent to complete
  • In planning stages

Untitled plot

  • Trilogy/collab with Alex and Bunny
  • Three women tell the story of one another in a post apocalyptic United States and how it came to be
  • In planning stages

Wager The Rascals

  • Collection of short stories on amazon
  • Anne Ruters starts her job as a journalist after graduating college and deals with meeting her deadline and the local ghost that's bothering her while on assignments
  • In planning stages

And other various one shots/long stories I might write for the fandoms I'm in.

oct 12 2016 ∞
oct 24 2017 +