• alexithymia ‧ (n.) the inability to recognize or describe one's own emotions.
    • anachronism ‧ (n.) a thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, especially a thing that is conspicuously old‧fashioned; an act of attributing a custom, event, or object to a period to which it does not belong.
    • apollonian ‧ (adj.) relating to the rational, ordered, and self-disciplined aspects of human nature.
    • chiaroscuro ‧ (n.) the treatment of light and shade in drawing and painting.
    • churlish ‧ (adj.) rude in a mean-spirited and surly way.
    • crepuscular ‧ (adj.) of, resembling, or relating to twilight.
    • debonair ‧ (adj.) [of a man] confident, stylish, and charming.
    • defenestration ‧ (n.) the action of throwing someone out of a window.
    • denouement ‧ (n.) the final part of a play, movie, or narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved.
    • dionysian ‧ (adj.) relating to the sensual, spontaneous, and emotional aspects of human nature.
    • ephemera ‧ (n.) things that exist or are used or enjoyed for only a short time.
    • fresco ‧ (n.) a painting done rapidly in watercolor on wet plaster on a wall or ceiling, so that the colors penetrate the plaster and become fixed as it dries.
    • hope springs eternal ‧ (prov.) it is human nature always to find fresh cause for optimism.
    • idiosyncrasy
      • (n.) [of medicine] an abnormal physical reaction by an individual to a food or drug.
      • (n.) a mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual; a distinctive or peculiar feature or characteristic of a place or thing.
    • impertinent
      • (adj.) not pertinent to a particular matter; irrelevant.
      • (adj.) not showing proper respect; rude.
    • maxim ‧ (n.) a short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct.
    • modus operandi ‧ (n.) a particular way or method of doing something, especially one that is characteristic or well‧established.
    • otiose ‧ (adj.) serving no practical purpose or result.
    • quincunx
      • (n.) [in astrology] an aspect of 150°, equivalent to five zodiacal signs.
      • (n.) an arrangement of five objects with four at the corners of a square or rectangle and the fifth at its center, used for the five on dice or playing cards, and in planting trees.
    • recherché ‧ (adj.) rare, exotic, or obscure.
    • rivulet ‧ (n.) a very small stream.
    • saturnine
      • (adj.) (of a person or their manner) slow and gloomy.
      • (adj.) (of a person or their features) dark in coloring and moody or mysterious.
    • somniferous ‧ (adj.) tending to induce sleep; soporific.
    • stupor ‧ (n.) a state of near-unconsciousness or insensibility.
    • syzygy
      • (n.) conjunction or opposition, especially of the moon with the sun.
      • (n.) a pair of connected or corresponding things.
sep 29 2019 ∞
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