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hey! this serves as a platform for me to organise and collate my favourite taegyu (and some yeonbin) fics, as well as record my thought process while writing <3

all fics are taegyu unless otherwise stated

!! i'm slowly adding everything as i go along so it's a work in progress !!

listography NEW NEWS

about this sweetness will forever be harmless

  • my first taegyu fic ever!!!! it's my baby and tbh i often feel like i peaked here with my writing
  • it was extremely fun to write all the banter between the two of them <3 enemies to lovers is just my fave trope of all time
  • why is tyun a baker and not a barista? 1. i had a traumatic baking experience and this fic was my outlet to rant [the section with gyu's baking disaster was almost identical to my disaster] 2. baristas are common in coffee shop aus and i wanted to try something different hahaha
  • my biggest struggle was trying to find a balance with there being sufficient time and interactions between taegyu to establish a realistic shift in their dynamics from hating each other to really liking each other in a romantic way. i still feel like it may have been rushed, but it's difficult to show slow natural progression within 13k words
  • another struggle was writing gyu's internal conflict with the video... i really had to try and rationalise it

about the line that connects us two

  • the entire plot was adapted and polished from a very old minwon fic that i never finished writing nor ever posted... it was meant to be simple, but i ended up expanding and developing the concept of the story so much. soulmate aus are one of my fave tropes but i started thinking about a more sinister side to such a binding system
  • it was a mad struggle to portray tyun's character properly – i wanted his internal conflict about whether to follow his heart or his presumed fate to be understandable and realistic.
    • i was scared that readers would be frustrated about why he couldn't just get together with gyu immediately, and his choices to date around, so i spent a lot of time justifying his decisions through his lowkey traumatic childhood and beliefs that shaped his youth
  • two scenes were added last minute that i now think are completely essential. if they weren't added, the fic would just be a little bare
    • taegyu's childhood moment with the plastic cups and fake string
    • the scene where taegyu meets at the party
  • conceptually, this is probably the most complicated fic i've ever written but i'm really proud of how it came out, and the message i tried to convey at the end that love is a conscious choice <3

about i'll know you were my future

  • it was written on my iphone notes app across several provinces and cities while travelling in taiwan, completely by sudden inspiration and also when i needed a break away from human interaction
  • the fic was intended to be short, maybe 5-6k words. but as it turns out... as i wrote... my notes app got laggier and laggier LOL. when i flew home and pasted it onto word, it turned out to be 13k words (there's a pattern with my works)
  • it was half inspired by the truman show, but i also took very abstract inspiration from this fic which is also listed under my reccs
  • every moment between taegyu ended up being a romanticisation of boring office life LOL it's just a light hearted fic that's meant to be a light read (and hopefully make you laugh at a few parts)
jun 26 2023 ∞
jun 26 2023 +