• I'm wasting my days away at college, doing absolutely no work and therefore making my presence utterly pointless, however it makes me feel like I'm doing something with my life. For the time being. I have bigger plans.
  • I don't feel down too often, just incredibly mediocre and empty.
  • I'm good at tolerating stupid and annoying people, I don't know why. I just feel sorry for them.
  • The one thing I've always, always wanted to do, is go travelling with someone I love. Hitch-hiking in some place exotic, and a road trip around the USA.
  • I prefer a nice meal and going to the cinema with someone I like talking to, than going out and getting shit faced. However, I do enjoy the latter and yet, have never had a real hangover.
  • I am so thankful for having people in my life who I can trust, and I mean really trust.
  • I'm a undecisive procrastinator who can happily spend an entire day at home, lounging around, dreaming of better (&more exciting) days, which would involve me not lounging around and actually going out and pursuing them.
  • I enjoy surfing the internet late at night, going on wikipedia, and reading about strange things, ranging from crazy religious cults to the mathematics of human "beauty" and reading about people I admire.
  • I miss my mother more than anyone.
  • I think much more than I say, more than other people, I think.
  • I have a boyfriend, called James, who I'm ridiculously in love with, who I spent 99.3825% of my time with, doing pretty much nothing - yet it's the best thing I've ever done.
  • I feel strangely complete when I've downloaded more than three new albums, a bit like christmas.
  • I'm half american and half german.
  • I can sleep at any time of the day, no matter where I am. Naps make me happy, they involve dreaming.
  • I'm always waiting.
mar 12 2010 ∞
mar 12 2010 +