• learn to be more patient
  • try not to be so controlling
  • understand that not everyone is like you, and everyone's priorities are different
  • if disagreements arise, just agree to disagree, then move on
  • you don't need to prove yourself to anyone
  • be there for those who need you in their time of need.
  • if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. if I'm right, then that's cool too.
  • wake up earlier (preferably before 10)
  • exercise more, it'll make you healthier and happier!
  • stop being so materialistic.
  • don't judge someone based on what you hear about that person
  • don't ever settle, but at the same time, be rational
  • study more than one day prior to a quiz/exam/etc.
  • keep in touch with your close friends that you don't see everyday (julia, mahtab, sarah, william, alex, etc.)
  • stop being so lazy
  • the response "too far" is not a legitimate response. ever.
  • be content with the life that God gave you
  • God= #1, always
sep 22 2011 ∞
dec 3 2012 +