• all types of sciences
  • walking out of a test knowing that you did not do well
  • walking out of a test thinking you did well, but upon getting the test back, realize you were wrong
  • Rihanna's voice
  • folded chips
  • when I make a movie reference and no one gets it and I'm just there feeling dumb HAHA
  • not thinking when spending money and then looking at my purchases and realizing I should've been smarter with my spending
  • no sense of humor. at all.
  • really laggy people (sometimes)
  • being mean to Caitlin (more than I should)
  • not being able to see my family more often
  • when everyone has to accommodate to someone else's need just because if we don't, everything will go wrong/everyone will be annoyed because that person has to have everything his or her way
  • when people dislike people for no apparent reason and I'm stuck in the middle
  • the smell of wet towels/sweat
  • losing contact with friends
  • getting in trouble
  • when there is hair in the shower and or floor
  • not sleeping
  • when people say "betch"
  • getting called out in class by a teacher for dozing off
  • boys who think they are hot stuff when they're really not (HAHAHA)
  • when couples sit on the same side of a table while they eat
  • really obnoxious tumblrs
nov 1 2011 ∞
nov 30 2012 +