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aka Why It's Hard for Me to be Around People That Often

  • I passionately dislike having to answer the phone.
    • In fact, I'd go as far as disconnect the cord so that I could pretend no one is home.
  • I wear sunglasses most of the time I'm outside so that I could avoid eye contact
    • These glasses also cover around half of my face
  • Getting accidentally bumped or touched gives me the heebie-jeebies.
  • I'm actually glad when plans to go out are canceled.
  • My quota for going out (dining & partying) is around 1-2 times a month.
  • I can't hold my end of a conversation after the "Hi! Hello! How are you?"s have been said.
    • *cue awkward silence*
  • I bring a book around to give me an excuse not talk to anyone.
  • Even in online chats, I tend to quiet down when there are lots of people already talking.
  • I don't really know what to say/do in certain situations (like deaths, break-ups, etc.)
    • *thus, cue more awkward silence*
  • I'm a sarcastic person and I tend to hold back my words because people might take them the wrong way.
  • To be honest, I don't see myself an anti-social type. It's just that being around a number of people wears me down.
oct 5 2011 ∞
oct 5 2011 +