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  • "Today I smash rackets for tomorrow we die."
  • "Lady, can you speak up a little bit? Indianapolis is a little far from Europe - I can't hear you."
  • "Not yet. It's my first day on the job. Give me some time" - on not breaking a racket during his first match of 2002
  • "I'm not fighting with myself. Oh, my God. That's how I am. You know, the story of the hippo? The hippo comes to the monkey and said, listen, I'm not a hippo. So, he paint himself like a zebra. He said but he's still a hippo. He said but look at you, you're painted like a zebra but you are a hippo. So then he goes, you know, like I want be a little parrot. So, he put the colours on him and he comes to the monkey and said but, sorry, you are a hippo. So, in the end, you know, he comes and said I'm happy to be a hippo. This is who I am. So, I have to be who I am and he's happy being a hippo" - always happy to be a hippo
  • "Yeah, I hope so. Otherwise, I'd feel lonely." - on being asked if he had multiple personalities like Goran Ivanisevic
  • "Going to the dentist. On second thought, I would rather have a root canal than play Santoro." - on being asked his biggest fear
  • "She is woman... I am man" - on being asked the difference between him and Anna Kournikova
  • "It's like love. When you look too hard, you don't find it. When you let it happen naturally, it comes."
may 18 2011 ∞
apr 13 2013 +