so i've loved yuki because he was my all time fav actor ever since he played kinchan in itakiss and then camille told me he was in a new delinquent drama and that he was gonna be wearing eyeliner

and i was like. ok i need to see yuki in eyeliner

so i watched it and kinda combusted into flames because i fell in love with cobra

and then i fell in love with gun

and then everything went downhill from there

and i started subbing the series because i thought no one was gonna be subbing the rest of it and then i went to the live

and That was an Experience

anyway im in ldhell and there's no escape and i want to cry every time i see cobra or yoshiki or masaki or even hiroto except i hate hiroto

i love kizzy

and i'm still bitter that there's not enough kaito and kizzy

or that yoshiki and oshiage never got together

i'm bitter about a lot of things but also i love this series to death

oct 3 2018 ∞
oct 6 2018 +