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  • i have been able to whistle since six months old
  • attended a catholic primary school
    • i hated ash wednesday and spent the whole mass rubbing the palm ash off of my forehead
  • i grew 2cm in secondary school....
  • although i seem elegant and graceful (what can i say?), i am also really clumsy!
    • one time i dropped a pan on the floor and burned the carpet because i tried to pick up the bacon first.. (i think i was 15...)
    • another time i dropped a pudding from the fridge, and it splattered everywhere, as in into three different rooms across the hallway splattered everywhere
    • i have set a cookie on fire in the microwave before
  • one time in secondary school i baked a cake for my history class, in the shape of a trench from wwi, and i even put little plastic soldiers on it
    • another time my mother and i made a volcano cake for geography, and we actually cut the centre out to have icing lava!! i won second place!
  • siiiigh this one wasn't even technically my fault, but one time i tried to send one [1] image of the hamburger friend t-shirt and due to really bad wifi it send for... quite a while.. and a lot of times..
  • sometimes i laugh about something so hard i have an asthma attack. historically this has been me continuing a bit myself and laughing to near death
  • my friends call me a mind reader haha? i think it's because i'll tell them random things about them (like when friend a had a crush on friend b) or when dexter was wearing a black t-shirt the day before. and i always tab in when people are typing and bug them to finish (even when i'm doing something else haha, dexter hates this)
nov 21 2018 ∞
mar 9 2025 +