Acting II
- finish journaling on old exercises
- write response paper for Undone
- Do script analysis exercises
- Try to find a copy of Gingerbread Lady to buy
- Read Chap.1-6 of "Building a Character" by Spring Break
- Get dividers and make cover for journal
Musical Direction
- Read the William Hoare book
- Practice conducting exercises
Voice Lessons
- Redo "Book" so that it could be handed to an accompanist in an audition situation.
- Go through As Long As He Needs Me
- Interpretation of lines - dynamics, expression
- Work in cockney accent
- Finish reading libretto
- Practice breathing exercises
- Practice placement exercises
- So In Love
- Finish reading libretto
- work interpretation
- consistent placement - speech sing (shaping of vowel sounds)
- Much More
- Consistent sound
- smooth movement between chest voice and head register
- Rhythms!
- Home
- Diva's Lament
- Simple Joys of Maidenhood
Guys and Dolls
- Read the script again
- Memorize lines
- Memorize music
Tracy's Recital
- Start learning music
- Practice tap steps
feb 15 2009 ∞
aug 11 2009 +