Today (7/27/20)
- ✔ Send data to Erin
- ✔ Spiceworks ticket from Hannah
- ✔ Fix duplicate sent by MaryAnn
- ✔ Journal withdrawal project
- ✔ Download all resources from Online Tutorial class
- Make plan for week
- Friday - sort e-mail
- Find e-mails for recordings of prof dev. you haven't watched yet, add those sessions to task database, and put them on the calendar to get done.
- Plan times to work on larger projects such as recording of tutorial and Material Type cleanup project
- Read things for Space Planning Task Force
- Read accessibility stuff Patti sent out for Marketing Committee
Add to Tasks and Projects Database
- Work on Gov Docs Manual
- Update for new title of PO Lines spreadsheet (see e-mail from Laurie)
- Finish moving notes from Processing guide table to PO Lines spreadsheet
- Revise any parts of the manual that still refer to "check-in", "receiving", or PO lines.
- Main Manual
- Finish map part of barcode section
- Edit and add Inscription section to wiki
- Finish Fix URLs for Archives (see Spiceworks ticket #622)
- Pull sets to see what other uses we have for 856
- Contact Shelley w/ examples
- Start update of all (can we use a macro?) (Waiting for response from Teressa)
- Update entry in P&T database
- Memo to self - attempt to create an analytic that will pull stats of MFHDs, Items, Bibs modified while doing Gov Docs stuff in July
- Catalog scores for ASC
- Catalog CD copies of reels from Pat
- ASC photos
- Fix Thor records
- Fire photos: clear out the headings no longer in use in the vocabulary; add to stats sheet; update Comments & Research database; Fix any other photos with "Missoula Fire Dept." as subject (Dept. is now spelled out) - also edit Controlled Vocab. Send last related photo to Marian to work on.
- Memo to self: add appropriate portrait subjects to umt017387, umt017389, umt017388
- Holdings Comparison project
- Work on database for Projects & Tasks
may 3 2019 ∞
aug 31 2020 +