160620: looking for alaska, spacing out during review class, 1st day of PT at gym, lost the back of an earring

160621: new jumper, yumi's place ft 3 films in 7 hours, first serenitea, ghosts, dad's office, pinch-hitting

160622: half-dead; half-day; yumi's fic; "what is diet"

160623: dental appointment; project pie with mom; arvie; kaya and hobing with kpop squad; bias game

160624: 8 hours of daydreaming; almost everyone except me and pat lose bias game; i convert sophie

160625: tteokbokki at 3 in the morning; "don't get mad if you haven't tried yet", bitterly losing bias game; dinner with tita; hearing from deni after a long time

160626: rainy mornings and afternoons; writing albeit distractedly; bella's essay at church

160627: class starts an hour late; the realm of possibility; batchmates i don't want to see + college apps; accidentally sending fanfic to ampersand; m83

160628: officially waking up at 2PM; unproductivity; sleep sleep i hate myself sleep; suicide squad ost

160629: deni's ducks; i am a waste of money; half-day; the struggle continues; yumi's fic

160630: snapchat filters at 3AM; skipping review class; mcdo; tommen baratheon; write like there's no tomorrow;

160701: working until 4:30AM; 3 hours of continuous plotting; black coffee; sleep; dad sleeps in my room

160702: yumi's birthday; "have the conversation"; marco polo ep1; on a roll; UP-ateneo vs ateneo-lasalle

160703*: "peace be with you"; leaving church early; contemplating suicide

160704*: one fine day ep1

160705: stalking fashion youtubers; tame impala; one fine day ep2

160706: denim jacket and shades; alabang country club; fashion magazines; hall of art; shopping at F21

160707: shop till you drop; bank; getting catcalled; "only god forgives"

160708: typhoon; chest pains and nausea; mom's room; general aimlessness; bon voyage ep1; gym; hanggul; green tea

160709: therapy; green tea; swimming pools at night; driving down the skyway and learning dad's life story which isn't so boring after all + the missing 13 girlfriends; running in the rain; ken in a beanie and no shirt on

160710: sleep-deprived inception of Project; ampersand poetry workshop; baby back ribs

160711: rainy morning + construction workers out; back on twitter

160712: new ATM card; new sports bra; dinner date with myself at UCC ft tea and daydreaming

160713: ma'am kaeszel + training; pulp; overly excited mom; 1st attempt at HIIT workout; new associate editor of facets

160714: finally watching sana dati; ice cream with arvs and tabs; walking in the rain; uber; dancing for the first time in 6 years

160715: ????

160716: ???

160717: mass

160718: dad makes surprise appearance at dance class;

160719: therapy; "imagine me and you";

160720: unexpected visit from lae and chelsea ft mall date; "the brief wondrous life of oscar wao" and "after dark"; 2nd unexpected visit from klaudia right before i fall asleep; massage

160721: posting a half-assed "perihelion"; dance class ft news abt audition

160722: one fine day ep 5; starting "the brief and wondrous life of oscar wao"; ee cummings; e replies

160723: ????

160724: waiting for max at mall ft the brief and wondrous life of oscar wao; NYFD with mom ft talking abt e; mass at 5:30; italliani's; sleeping in dad's room while he watches batch 81

160725: new sparring rules; nap; cool new dance class choreo; skype with yumi until 3am

160726: one fine day ep 7; trying to write spoken word; setting up aesthetic tumblr; sore throat; lonely evening ft hannibal ep 3 nd 4

160727:skype skype skype with friends for a good 8 hours

160729: procrastination af ft svt english time + 30 mins of the wolf of wall street; dentist; sophia tells me about her PTSD; rushing to write spoken word in car; santi sneaks up on us on escalator and joins conversation like nothing is happening; 4-ish hours of pining over e; tex-mex with artswork squad; driving down bar streets while talking to mom and dad; telling arianne and amber all abt it when i get home

160730: concert

160731: cleaning room for pcd; going out to italian resto


160802: getting rekt

160803: ignacio de loyola; almost throwing myself down the canal

160804: first day of senior year

160805: getting a jimin photocard and polaroid from tabs

160806: bianca tells me that it'll be okay; watching 3 films at the cinema in one day ('suicide squad' + 'main shorts a' + 'mercury is mine')

160807: stressing over college essay; dad calls me a piece of shit; picking up a blade for the first time in a month

160813: a whole day at the cinema ft talking to strangers (bald dude, economics girl, tattoo girl); 3 movies ('dagsin + 'kusina' + 'hiblang abo'); eating by myself; walking home feeling tired and lonely; watching 1 more movie at night w/ mom ('tuos'); eggtart messages me

160814: waking up nd getting a fever; sleeping it off; eating tteokbokki to sweat but it doesnt work; vomiting; missing 'i, america'

160815: hospital day 1

160816: hospital day 2

160817: hospital day 3

160818: hospital day 4 + discharge

160819: facets tryouts


160821: mass with mom

160822: starting to study for the upcat; braving through varsity + a shit ton of homework nd sleeping late


160824: training cancelled; eating mcdo for the first time in months ft youtube marathon; trying to write; working on facets presentation + oversleeping

160825: 5 quizzes and a shitty facets presentation; bomb threat during varsity training

160826: triggered in the morning ft world youth day; a long day ft worrying abt stuff to submit until end fil quiz at 1:00; triggered in the afternoon ft SATs; everyone fussing over me; crying without knowing why; stress mcdo + 'bad moms'; sleeping early

160827: dad telling me to stop cutting bc of reputation ft me crying again; bianca tells me that its braver to endure thoughts than cut; buying MSA reviewers ft mom being overly nice; spur of the moment decisions; joking abt junot diaz; standing hip-to-hip with eggtart; a different kind of Feeling; eggtart dropping off books at house; dad being salty again

jun 20 2016 ∞
jul 17 2017 +