"I wouldn't be against it if you wanted to do it again. Bite me, I mean." Seokjin says, Hoseok lifts his head to look at him, a tired smile on his face as he pokes at the bite on Seokjin's neck.

"That's cute," he says. "How you think I need permission."



hoseok and seokjin don't think their sex life is really all that boring like their friends think

Seokjin didn't ask for any of this. Not for his estranged son Taehyung to suddenly move in and turn Seokjin's orderly life upside down. Certainly not for said son to come with a mentor and dance instructor in the form of the impossibly sunny, annoyingly attractive Jeong Hoseok. Fortunately, the universe doesn't seem to be paying much attention to what Seokjin does and does not ask for.

Hollywood Boulevard hooker Jung Hoseok is down on his luck--that is, until hotshot investor Kim Seokjin decides to pick him up and they change each other’s lives forever.

Hoseok is in his first year of university with a scholarship for track and field. He’s always enjoyed running, and it's a fast way to make friends, so why not? However, it’s only once he’s joined that he discovers the problem. Seokjin is also in track and field, specifically pole vaulting.

He knows Seokjin primarily as Namjoon’s boyfriend; the tall, broad shouldered guy who wears soft sweaters and has a window squeegee laugh. He was cute, sure, but as far as he could tell, the guy wasn’t his type.

This Seokjin, though…the one who’s apparently ripped, who’s torso bends and flexes in mesmerizing ways as he arches over the bar, who’s sexy as fuck with sweat dripping down his face…he’s a different story.

Everyone knew Hoseok was an omega fuckboy and that he liked sex a bit more than average people did. Well, things change.

Hoseok's been stressed lately, for many reasons, but Seokjin knows one of them is the lack of attention he's been receiving from the world, in general. He just wants to see his boyfriend relax and indulge him thoroughly, that's an altruistic thing to do, right?

After Hoseok has spent a long day working on his mixtape, Seokjin starts up his ridiculous flirting again. Hoseok decides to call his bluff.

Or: Seokjin gives Hoseok the appreciation he deserves.

Seokjin finally comes back from the military and his boyfriend is too overwhelmed to function properly.

Seokjin and Hoseok decide to watch one of Namjoon's streams to spice up their sex life.

Jung Hoseok was a simple man. He took pleasure in the little things in life, like spending hours in the dance studio until he didn’t quite know who he was anymore. He also very much enjoyed catching a glimpse of his neighbor, Seokjin was his name, coming home from his daily run.

“Fuck, it hurts but it feels so good,” Seokjin mumbled.

“L-lay down,” Hoseok instructed. With only a moment’s questioning quirk of an eyebrow, Seokjin complied, placing himself face down on the dance floor. Taking in a deep swallow that he knew was himself swallowing down his pride and his nervousness, trying to convince himself that okay, Seokjin is kind of really loud about when he feels good. It doesn’t mean anything sexual. Even though it totally sounds - and now looks - sexual. Hoseok slowly lowered himself down to straddle Jin’s hips, bending forward to bury the heels of his palms into Seokjin’s shoulders and using the leverage of the flat floor to deepen the massage.

Seokjin let out an actual scream.

Hoseok was never used to relationships and alphas always knew when someone touched their omegas.

To Seokjin, Hoseok was brighter than the sun.

Seokjin is intent on trying out new things in the bedroom, and Hoseok just won't have it.

“I didn’t get my medical degree for this.”

Lots of teasing. Lots of idiotic jokes. Pool Sex. Anything else would be a spoiler.


All seven of them connected on one string with a ring at the end, only one of them big enough to make Seokjin wary. Hoseok’s waiting for him though and Seokjin doesn’t feel like now is the time to tell Hoseok that he’s never used anal beads before.

Seokjin and Hoseok had been charged with, “making sure nothing happens to the specimen.” What that meant was, “watch this weird oozy thing float around in it's jar for all hours of the day and try not to get too involved in whatever book you're reading in case something happens.”

Every pack starts somewhere, and fate will bring them together without fail. Hoseok meets his new best friend and Alpha on a whim

Jin helps Hoseok to relax

seokjin's tired, overworked, and exhausted.

hoseok's there to fix that.

Little did fans know that when they named the pair "Big Seok" and "Little Seok", they would quite literally be correct. Not just height-wise though.

or: Hoseok has a small dick and Seokjin loves to exploit it.

Hoseok is dressed as a vampire for a Halloween party. He doesn't expect to be seduced by an actual vampire.

" Well, don't just stand there, come help your Hyung out, Seokie. "

Seokjin sees something on Tumblr about NSFW and gets a little hot and bothered by it. As punishment for interrupting him, Seokjin does the only logical thing he can think of and asks his best friend to join him. Well, more like demands.

nov 27 2017 ∞
may 7 2018 +