• "We are powerful, beautiful, extraordinary. There is no reason why we cannot understand who we truly are and where we are going. There is no reason why the average individual cannot be fully empowered. We are incredibly powerful beings." -Zeitgeist
  • "I'm with you because I choose to be with you. I don't want to live someone else's idea of how to live. Don't ask me to do that. I don't want to find out one day that I'm at the end of someone else's life." -Out of Africa
  • "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." -Semisonic, "Closing Time"
  • "Write it all down. Just the truth. No rhymes, no embellishments, no adjectives." -Atonement
  • "...because academics know that I am quite off-scale and for immature people! And I'll be the first to admit that I'm no Jane Austen!" -Kurt Vonnegut
  • "By telling stories, you objectify your own experience. You separate it from yourself. You pin down certain truths. You make up others. You start sometimes with an incident that truly happened, like the night in the shit field, and you carry it forward by inventing incidents that did not in fact occur but that nonetheless help to clarify and explain." - Tim O'Brien, The Things They Carried
  • "We're all getting older, which is terrible. I don't care how universal it is." -Margot at the Wedding
  • "I have the emotional version of whatever bad feng shui would be." -Margot at the Wedding
  • "Really, I think when you look back at this you're going to see I'm not acting like a crazy person. That this is the right reaction." -Margot at the Wedding
  • "I haven't had that thing yet, where you realize that you're not the most important person in the world." -Margot at the Wedding
  • "So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." -Lord of the Rings
  • "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future." -Lord of the Rings
  • "You save yourself or you remain unsaved." -Alice Sebold
  • "I live in a world where the two truths coexist, where both hell and hope live in the palm of my hand." -Alice Sebold
  • "Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." -Emily Bronte
  • "I don't want to have to do this living. I just walk around. I want to be swept off my feet, you know? I want my children to have magical powers. I am prepared for amazing things to happen. I can handle it." -Me and You and Everyone We know
  • "Hope is not something you can put in your bank account. Hope is not a possession. Hope is not something you can own. Hope is not illogical. Hope is seeing things as they are not. Hope is knowing it will come to pass. In the meantime, welcome to the rest of your life." -Switchfoot
  • "“I say, never be complete. I say, stop being perfect. I say, let’s evolve. Let the chips fall where they may.” -Fight Club
  • "I want to taste and glory in each day, and never be afraid to experience pain; and never shut myself up in a numb core of non-feeling, or stop questioning and criticising life and take the easy way out. To learn and think; to think and live; to live and learn; this always, with new insight, new understanding, and new love." -Sylvia Plath
  • "If you were all alone in the universe with no one to talk to, no one with which to share the beauty of the stars, to laugh with, to touch, what would be your purpose in life? It is other life; it is love, which gives your life meaning. This is harmony. We must discover the joy of each other, the joy of challenge, the joy of growth." -Mitsugi Saotome
  • "Unexpectedly he began to like the outdoor life for its own sake, and for what it brought, apart from its bearing on his own proposed career. Considering his position he became wonderfully free from the chronic melancholy which is taking hold of the civilized races with the decline of belief in a beneficent Power. For the first time of late years he could read as his musings inclined him, without any eye to cramming for a profession, since the few farming handbooks which he deemed it desirable to master occupied him but little time. He grew away from old associations, and saw something new in life and humanity. Secondarily, he made close acquaintance with phenomena which he had before known but darkly- the seasons in their moods, morning and evening, night and noon, winds in their different tempers, trees, waters and mists, shades and silences, and the voices of inanimate things." -Tess of the d'Urbervilles
  • "The daylight has nothing to show me, since you are not here, and I don't like to see the rooks and starlings in the fields, because I grieve and grieve to miss you who used to see them with me. I long for only one thing in heaven or earth or under the earth, to meet you, my own dear! Come to me -- come to me, and save me from what threatens me!" -Tess of the d'Urbervilles
  • "For what it’s worth, it’s never too late, or in my case too early, to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit... start whenever you want... you can change or stay the same. There are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. I hope you see things that stop you. I hope you feel things that you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life that you’re proud of and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again." -The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
  • "I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become." -As seen on a PostSecret postcard
  • "And when you get down to it, Lily, that's the only purpose grand enough for a human life. Not just to love- but to persist in love." -The Secret Life of Bees
  • "Stand up and finish what you've started." -Unknown
  • "If you come into this world knowing you are loved and leave knowing the same, everything that happens in between can be dealt with." -Michael Jackson
  • "Hope is not something you can put in your bank account. Hope is not a possession. Hope is not something you can own. Hope is not illogical. Hope is seeing things as they are not. Hope is knowing it will come to pass. In the meantime, welcome to the rest of your life." -Jon Foreman
  • "Of course you're alright. You're alive! -Garden State
  • "Sometimes awful things have their own kind of beauty. -A Single Man
  • "Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all. -Harriet Van Horne
jun 14 2009 ∞
mar 16 2011 +