• White people would stop being arrogant and not act as though they are entitled
  • Gangs would convert to positive community groups
  • People, especially rich people, would care less about their own well-being and more about the common good
  • Religion would dissolve into something less intolerant
  • The police and the government would get prosecuted for their own crimes
  • The United Nations would work to truly act as nations, united
  • Racists would die off due to some brain defect they all share
  • The homeless would have good rehabilitating shelters, the poor would have rehabilitating programs, and the unbalanced unfortunates would be in asylums getting proper care rather than be on the streets
  • People would voluntarily stop doing drugs (including pot, you manbreasted losers) and cigarettes would become a drug and/or safe cigarettes would be developed
  • Cures for diseases/preventative measures would be developed rather than ongoing medications
  • Rappers would go back to the good 80s-early 90s hip-hop and stop rapping about bitches, ho's, liquor, and committing crimes
  • The amount of homework and academic pressure on kids would be released
  • College would be deemed a choice and not a requirement in light of real life-learning
  • The Greek system would be disbanded
  • People would always use turn signals and make safe lane changes
aug 15 2008 ∞
jun 12 2009 +