• I've never been able to finish "A Clockwork Orange". I've tried watching it twice and I fell asleep on both times.
  • I only eat grape-flavored Jelly Belly beans.
  • I'm very quiet when around people I'm not familiar with. I wrote about it on my blog once with the title, "Don't ask me if I'm okay." I find it hard to deal with people who just won't leave you alone when you're perfectly fine in your corner. I'm not sulking, I just don't feel like talking, okay? I'm not anti-social. I'm just not the "life of the party" and I'm cool with that.
  • I really don't dance. Well, I did once when I watched a show alone, but I bet I looked weird.
  • I'm really tiny in person. I'm barely 5'1 so I really take advantage of opportunities to wear heeled shoes (which are very few, by the way).
  • I once stood like 10 feet away from Sufjan Stevens, my ultimate idol, and instead of approaching him, I froze and went home instead.
  • I hate that my friends who enjoy the kind of music I do are so far away from me.
  • I love Taco Bell.
  • I can't stop eating.
  • Deb Talan is my spirit animal.
dec 17 2011 ∞
dec 17 2011 +