• how did you discover k-pop? - through my classmates who were a fan of 2ne1 when they just debuted
  • who was your first male bias? - cnblue - yonghwa
  • which k-pop song, was the first song you learned the choreography for? - either "i don't care" or "nobody"
  • can you name the first k-pop reality show that you ever watched? - i don't remember ;;
  • not counting your bias group, which other group will always have a very special place in your heart? - exo
  • what was the first k-pop thing you ever bought? - album?
  • what was life like before k-pop? - less fun, but still fun
  • how has k-pop changed your life? - i became more mature and happy
apr 9 2017 ∞
apr 11 2017 +