- Those times that you never know what to say in a conversation.
- I wonder how many strangers have taken a photo with me in the background.
- Dear life when I said "can my day get any worse?" it was a rhetorical question, not a challenge.
- Trying to explain something to that one friend that never understands anything.
- I yell someone's name, and when they don't hear me, I feel stupid.
- I run away when I press a button on a toy at the store and it won't stop making noise.
- When I erase someone from my phone, it's like I delete them from my existence.
- Losing your cellphone in your blankets and having to throw your blankets around until it falls out.
- When I say I won't tell anyone...my bestfriend doesn't count.
- That awkward moment when you want to laugh in a serious situation.
- Hitting things to make them work.
- I say the same word over and over again until it doesn't even sound like a word anymore.
- I put my iPod on shuffle but still skip through every song until I find the one I want to listen to.
- I wake up from a nap expecting to feel refreshed but instead feel even more tired than before.
- Telling your head one thing, when your heart is thinking another.
- I buy cute underwear even though I don't plan on anyone seeing them.
- I get all dressed up to go out even though I have no plans...
- Staring at dead people in a movie/tv show to see if you can catch them moving.
- Walking around like your nails are made of glass after you paint them.
- I always hide my windows when my parents walk into the room and pull up something to make it look like I'm being innocent on the internet.
- I check my phone every 60 seconds when I'm waiting for a reply to something important, because I think I won't hear the notification go off.
- Time always seems to go by so slow when I'm watiting for something.
- I find my pen about 20 feet from where I dropped it.
- When I have a Sharpie in my hand I write my name everywhere.
- I draw ridiculous conclusions out of nothing and think of the worst possible outcome.
- I delete my whole password after typing one letter wrong.
- I get ready to say something during a conversation, then the subject changes.
- I get excited when my phone lights up and I think I got a text, but it's just the glare from the computer.
- I smile because I have no idea what is going on.
- I hate when you're just about to sneeze and then it goes away.
- That mini heart attack you get when you drop your phone.
- I eat because I'm bored, not because I'm hungry <--I've gotten way better about that though!
- When I realize I overslept, I jump out of bed like a ninja.
- I'm putting on jeans with holes in them and my foot or toes go through the holes.
- I make up a dream in my head before I go to sleep.
- After sending a risky text, one minute seems like an eternity.
- My conditioner always runs out before my shampoo.
- I text while I'm laying down and always drop my phone on my face.
- I wake up with a song stuck in my head and wonder how it got there. <--especially if I remember my dreams and it wasn't in them 0_o.
- No mom I don't need a jacket...I'm going from the house to the car.
- I do most of my thinking in the shower.
- It's not so funny when I hit my "funny bone".
- My parents assume every person I talk to is a boyfriend.
- I always take a peek out of my 3D glasses to see the difference.
- I hate it when I'm dreaming and can only move in slow motion.
- I hate it when someone wakes me up in the middle of a good dream.
- When I'm upset, I use one word answers.
- When I was little, everyone's favorite color was blue...including mine.
- I have to keep reminding myself that if he wanted to talk to me, he would.
- I still bite the life out of my straws.
- Catching something in mid-air and feeling like a ninja.
- I never know what I should do when people are singing "Happy Birthday" to me.
- Hearing your voice on video and wondering if that's how you really sound.
- Having a random spaz attack in bed while having a dream that you're falling <--or tripping over something.
- When I'm sleeping at a friend's house and I wake up before them, I sit there staring at the ceiling for an hour.
- When it gets awkward at someone's house, I pet their dog.
- I hate wasting a cute outfit on what I think is going to be a good night.
- When someone takes the piece of food that you have mentally claimed.
- Saying goodbye to a friend and then you both end up walking in the same direction.
- I'm dying to talk to you but I refuse to text you first.
- I wish music played during epic moments of my life, instead of just movies.
- I still struggle to open a bag even when it says "tear here".
- Laughing so hard that no sound comes out, then end up clapping like a seal.
- Why do you continue to text me after I ignored the first 10 messages? <--Jason does this sometimes.
- The most awkward feeling is watching a sex scene in a movie with your parents.
- I say "nevermind" because I'm just too lazy to repeat myself.
- When I walk into a spider web I immediately go psycho.
- I try to convince myself that it doesn't bother me.
- Responding to texts while half asleep, then realizing you made no sense.
- Lying in bed wondering if it's worth it to get up and pee.
- I hate it when I'm mad at someone and they make me laugh.
- I run like a ninja to get my charger when my computer is about to die.
- I hate when I'm drinking and the ice just attacks my face.
- No Microsof Word, I didn't spell my last name wrong.
- Everyone texts me when I'm busy, yet nobody texts me when I'm bored.
- I still didn't hear what you said, but I'm still going to laugh, smile and nod anyway.
- I text so much faster when I'm fighting with someone.
- Flushing the toilet in the middle of the night just might be the loudest sound I've ever heard.
- Automatically hit ignore when I don't recognize the number calling.
- Thank you hand sanitizer, for letting me know I have a cut on my hand.
- I open the fridge a million times thinking food will magically appear.
- I hate getting texts that ony say "k".
- I'll make a status that I think is great, but nobody likes it so I delete it.
- I don't change in front of my webcam because I'm scared someone will see me somehow.
- When I see "Friend is typing" I stop typing.
- I save song titles in my phone so I remember to download them later.
- I was first place in Mario Kart...until I feel off a cliff and became twelfth.
- I use keyboard gibberish to type out my frustrations.
- Facebook creeping.
- If he's online, I'll sit on my computer and wait until he messages me.
- I accept the "terms and conditions" without reading them. <--sometimes.
- The weirdest thing is seeing someone in person after seeing them all over Facebook.
- Listening to someone's lies when you know the truth.
- I hold back from saying certain things because I know it will start an argument.
- I walk into a room and forget why I even went in there.
- I think of something and then laugh alone like an idiot.
- When. I. Read. A. Sentence. Like. This, the voice in my head pauses every time.
- I type out what I really want to say, then backspace the whole thing.
- I jump up every time my toast pops out of the toaster.
- I get a mini heart atatck when someone says "Can I talk to you?".
- WHEN I READ A SENTENCE IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, the voice in my head yells.
- I take about a million pictures of myself but wind of deleting most of them and only using one.
- I draw on fogged up windows.
- Missing someone's call, calling them back a minute later, and they don't answer.
- Thinking about someone and then wondering if they're thinking about you too.
- I get so excited waiting for a text from my crush, but when my phone goes off it's from someone else instead.
- I say I'm fine when I'm really not.
- I text someone in the same room as me and then stare at them until they get it.
- I still do simple math equations on my fingers.
- I say "haha" after a text so it won't sound so serious.
- I try to accomplish a task before the microwave hits 00:00.
- People think I'm being sarcastic but I'm really being serious <--and vice versa :-/
- Pouring cereal into the bowl, then realizing there is no milk.
- I'll feel my phone vibrate when it doesn't.
- Thinking something weird/dirty, then hoping no one in the room is a mind reader.
- I hate it when people don't know the difference between there, their and they're.
- I didn't hear what you said, so I'll laugh and hope it wasn't a question.
- Smiling at a little kid, then feeling like a creep when they look away.
- I'll yell at inanimate objects when I get mad.
- I'll zone out only to realize I'm staring at a person.
- Meowing at cats until they meow back.
- I hate it when people ask me if they can ask me a question...seriously?
- I go crazy when there is someone in front of me walking slow.
- I have to sing the ABC's to see which letter comes next in the alphabet.
- It drives me crazy when someone doesn't erase one chalk mark on the blackboard <--same with dry erase boards.
- When my pen runs out, I scribble furiously all over the page until it starts working again.
- When I'm alone in public, I look at my cell phone so I don't feel so awkward.
- I overhear funny conversations but I don't laugh, because I'm afraid they'll think I'm a creep if I do.
- I lay in my bed at night thinking about evrything.
- I smile at my phone like an idiot when I'm texting you.
feb 11 2012 ∞
feb 11 2012 +