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  • Don't worry I'm weak to you (M) - Levi is having a very hard time trying to get into the delivery boy's pants.
  • Love.exe (Not Rated) - All Levi wants to do is drink tea, run his goddamn convenience store, and not have to deal with this kid who keeps coming in to leech his wifi bringing down high-end corporations.


  • lend me your ear (M) - Eren's not a vindictive person. Really, he's not. In fact, he considers himself a big supporter of doing the right thing, fighting the good fight (literally, if need be); basically, he's a big proponent of justice. Sitting here with Jean's credit card clutched in his hand, Eren's sure this is just the beginning of a long and prosperous road full of justice.


  • A Tenuous Third Space (T) - In which Attack on Titan is the MMORPG they all play, and Eren meets Levi online.
  • Hit or Miss (M) - Oh, he’d fucked up. He’d broken one of the golden rules of being a hit man and there weren't even that many rules to begin with. He was fucked in literally every definition of the word.
  • What was your name again? (T) - Levi is a cashier in a mood, and Aaron or Erin or whoever is just someone who strips in his store.

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  • 12:51 AM (T) - Eren doesn’t grab his hand to hold or to intertwine their fingers together because that’s not what they do. They don’t do lovey couple things and they never have.
  • 1994 (M) - Before cell phones. Before the Kardashians. Before internet porn. The year is 1994. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin, poor kids from the wrong side of the tracks, have been transferred with the rest of their neighborhood to the posh, uptown Trost High (Home of the Titans). Mikasa and Armin seem to fit in well enough, but Eren isn't quite so lucky. Of course, most of this has to do with Eren's personality. When he accepts a bet to lose his virginity (and actually prove that someone likes him) by the end of the semester, it's hard for him to deny the improbability of winning. After all, the only one he seems to be talking to these days is the weirdly pretty (and just plain weird) goth working at the donut shop down the street...
  • A Little Less Dead (M) - Hope drives people to fight back, in any way they can.
  • A summer in september (Not Rated) - It's autumn, the weather's getting chillier, and the coffee doesn't warm Eren up nearly as much as the guy who makes it for him.
  • baby, you can drive my car (M) - Levi bites his lip, appearing to lose focus. At least, that’s what Eren assumes, because he’s just unbuttoned and then re-buttoned his pants again. Eren tilts his head forward, burying his nose in the curve of Levi’s neck as his hands slip down to assist. “You want me bad, huh?”
  • Blind Date (M) - Eren is forced to a blind date. The out come might not be what he expected but would he regret it?
  • Breathing fire and sleeping in gold (T) - In 1800s England. Where Levi is a prince who doesn't want to be a prince, and Eren is his butler who makes too many excuses.
  • Campus and Complication (M) - "'The world is not a kind place; it does not halt its cruelties simply because you are in love." the man said. Two shots rang clearly through the air; both of them hit their target dead-on."
  • even the leaves turn red (Not Rated) - Levi had tried to turn his attention to the newspaper, but had given up before long. Now he’s standing with his elbows resting against the sill, gazing at his strange neighbor. What kind of grown man spends all that time raking leaves, only to lie down in the pile?
  • Good Old School Days (T) - Rivaille talked to Irvin about a certain troublesome student.
  • half light (Not Rated) - AU where Eren tries to figure out what you do when friendly feelings turn into something more.
  • humanity's strongest love letter (K/G) - Eren can definitely read, it's just Levi who definitely can't write.
  • I'm with the Band (T) - Eren Jaeger's love of the band Special Ops Squad is taken to a whole new level when he gets an internship at Survery Records for a summer. He finds himself drawn the attractive and moody lead singer, Levi.
  • Idol Worship (M) - He didn't have a fucking cape and he certainly didn't have any armor or a white horse and sword. He just happened upon a drugged up brat in a bad situation and intervened like any decent human being should. How Hanji's idea of a fun little party ended up with him having being followed around but this shitty brat was just beyond him. It seems some people hadn't a prayer for a quiet peaceful existence.
  • Idol Worshiping
  • Killing you, killing me, or killing time (T) - Eren and Levi are roommates, but five years is a long time for them not to be friends. Either way, Eren doesn’t want to step over boundaries.
  • Like thy neighbour (T) - Eren likes climbing over to his neighbour Levi’s balcony, trying to avoid tripping and falling to his death while not-so-much avoiding the topic that is liking the man who lives next to him.
  • Love advice of the hands-on type (T) - Jean seeks relationship advice from Eren who uses his established boyfriend Levi to showcase various portrayals of love. They end up on top of each other like all shameless flirting couples do, and Jean regrets every decision he's ever made in life.
  • No-Smoke, No-Gamble (M) - Levi has a customer. He doesn't tend to look at his customers, but he knows them by voice, and this one's got some sort of shitty European accent and never buys cigarettes or lottery. Which is pretty strange, considering that Levi runs the cigarette and lotto counter.
  • Scratches (K/G) - Do you believe in reincarnation? Eren and Levi, bound by the strings of fate, have managed to find each other in a new life and have fallen in love. They planned to live out a happy life together, until Eren grew ill and was diagnosed with brain cancer. Ever since he was diagnosed, and even a couple times before, he had been having dreams. Dreams of walls that were miles high and monsters who ate men. With an estimated 38 weeks left to live, Eren wants to figure out what these dreams really mean.
  • Season for the troubled (M) - Eren is a delinquent kid, Levi is his teacher, and neither of them are sure who fell in love with the other first.
  • Snow and Silence (M) - When reclusive Eren Yeager finds a half-frozen stranger on his front porch, he has no idea how much the encounter will come to change his life. And yet, even as his fascination grows, so do the mysteries around the enigmatic man. Who exactly is Levi, and can Eren trust him?
  • Systematic, hydromatic (K/G) - Eren is a car mechanic, and Levi can't help purposefully damaging his car in silly ways just to go see him.
  • The Hand That Saves (M) - "Do you believe in God, Eren?" "No, Corporal, but I believe in you."
  • The Little Titan Cafe (T) - in which Eren works as a barista in his mother’s café, specializing in latte art. And then there’s Levi, who’s not exactly your typical patron, because, well, he’s blunt and rude (which Eren supposes isn’t that much different from regular customers) but mostly he just confuses Eren’s poor little homosexual heart.
  • Waiting for the takeoff (K/G) - Flying is scary, Eren thinks. But Levi has always been right there beside him and makes him feel like he's been flying all this time anyway.
apr 1 2016 ∞
sep 30 2017 +