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  • Colors of the Forest (G) - It smelled like something that came from the sky, or maybe the very center of the earth. It was a perfume that swirled in Hajime's chest and made his mind feel light in his skull. When he came home, boots brown and crudy from playing among the trees, he asked his mother about it.
  • darlin', your head's not right (T) - Oikawa teases Iwaizumi about a childhood promise he made to marry him when they were older, except suddenly it's not really a joke at all.


  • new phone who dis (T) - Oikawa texts the wrong number when complaining about Ushijima, and then keeps texting Iwaizumi.
  • of bees and flowers and pipes and plumbers (Not Rated) - Iwaizumi is the Handsome Handyman, and Oikawa is... Oikawa?


  • Conquering the Great King (M) - Iwaizumi blinked his gaze over to Oikawa, "Last time was supposed to be a one time thing," he said, voice low, lacking some conviction. Oikawa's lips twitched into a smirk and he brought them hovering just over Iwaizumi's, "One time thing, Two time thing, what's it matter as long as it's not a Relationship thing?"

No Stars

  • Bad Pickup Lines All the Time (T) - “Do me,” Oikawa says absentmindedly. He hears a choked snort from Hanamaki and he jerks out of his reverie in a panic. “I mea-WHAT. Who said that.” He flounders for an air of indignation like he wasn’t just blatantly staring at his best friend’s ass. Oikawa hears smothered laughter off to his right and it’s definitely Matuskawa.
  • Five times Oikawa tries to confess to Iwaizumi and the one time he gets confessed to (G) - In which Oikawa falls asleep a couple times, there are some singing (Coldplay) and Oikawa has some not-so-fantastic ideas about how to confess to Iwaizumi.
  • I Choose You (T) - There's a tiny clock on his wrist, bright red numbers. It's supposed to tick, supposed to move, supposed to tell him when he'll meet his soulmate. The time will run to zero when they've met, moving numbers will become stationary—the ticking that signified uncertainty transforming to the silent stability of forever. Iwaizumi Hajime's clock hasn't ticked for as long as he can remember.
  • no room for pretend (T) - “Iwa-chan,” Oikawa says again, quieter. When Iwaizumi turns his head back around, Oikawa isn’t even looking at him anymore, fixated on the frayed threads of their cushion. He looks up after a moment and smiles faintly. “Please be my fake boyfriend.”
  • Press '1' to Get a Call From Your Drunk Best Friend (T) - Press '2' to hear him talk about you for thirty minutes, press '3' for him to compliment your ass, and press '4' for more options.
  • The Fall (M) - In a broken down society; this is a week that Iwaizumi and Oikawa met, and spent together.
  • The selfie game (G) - Oikawa's plan to make Iwaizumi mad by sending him dozens of his selfies takes an unexpected turn.
  • things that change, things that stay the same (M) - Oikawa realizes he's in love with his best friend. It sucks for a while.
  • to be first, to be best (T) - Hajime is apparently something of a masochist, and as he stares down at the tie-dyed AREA51 T-shirt in his hands, he thinks “I’m totally in love with this asshole, aren't I?”
  • Wrong Number (M) - Iwaizumi receives a text from a stranger-hilarity ensues
apr 1 2016 ∞
jan 25 2017 +