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  • (i am today) (G) - There is a man who appears in the forest sometimes, tall with sad green eyes.
  • Accidental Valentine (G) - Decorations set, food in place, and everything is perfect for the party. Only, Suzaku seems to have an odd fixation on the banquet table for a reason that Lelouch just cannot place.
  • A Friendly Chat (K+) - Emperor Charles and Suzaku have a brief conversation regarding memories.
  • Anything you can do (T) - I can do better. Or so Suzaku says, not that Lelouch believes him. Will a friendly competition between childhood friends turn into something more? Or will the truth behind tying a cherry stem in your mouth cause an upset between the two boys?
  • A Special Project (M) - Millay has a special project to save the Student Council's budget, and she needs Lelouch's, "help".
  • A Test of Blindness (M) - Doin' it right in front of Nunally. Of course the sweet girl is clueless.
  • Calamity in 9 (T) - Times in a companionship nearly stretched to ruins by truths kept, lies told, and lines blurred and crossed—with a bunch of friends seeking to have a good time. Lelouch keeps his secrets to himself very well, but Suzaku starts becoming more curious and more involved.
  • Drowning Lessons (M) - Waking up from the worst night of his life, which had resulted in what were probably embarrassing photographs, near alcohol poisoning and sudden and very likely drowning, Suzaku thought, without hope or agenda, that Gino should be shot.
  • Home (T) - He is here... He is home...home in his arms like he originally belonged.
  • Pretty in Pink (K+) - Considering that he had so often given speech in his Zero costume, Lelouch Lamperouge thought it would not be that bad if he were to give his speech in frilly pink miniskirt. Right?
  • Scratching Noses (T) - "What are you suggesting we do about our little dilemma, Lelouch?" "Do you remember our old secret code?"
  • Snowflakes (K) - Most times, Lelouch doesn't think to stop and smell the roses. It takes Suzaku's influence to get him focused on the moment, so they can both appreciate life's small pleasures.
  • Tenjou (T) - Everything comes together after the end, under heaven. Fate simply has no concern for the dreams of one man.
  • The Smear (T) - Suzaku cannot resist for very long.
  • The Succession of Kings (Not Rated) - Lelouch never becomes childhood friends with Suzaku, Suzaku still ends up as Knight Zero, and Milly Ashford decides her true passion lies in writing gay fanfiction.
  • Twisted Fairytale (M) - Because love moves in mysterious ways, flirtatious playboy, Suzaku Kururugi, found himself captivated not by a woman, but by a pretty man who turns his perfect life upside down.
  • We All Screw for Ice Cream (G) - For the Lelouch prompt, “Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity” - George Carlin
  • Worrying for Suzaku (T) - It had always been Cecile's fear that Suzaku was being mistreated at school, and she felt her stomach sink at the sad truth that her fear was realized. She had to get that black-haired boy off of him.


  • A Test of Courage (T) - Let it never be said that Lelouch Lamperouge was afraid of ghosts, vampires, and things that go bump in the night. That was why he was here, in this dark cave, proving just—Holy Heaven, what was that?
  • Brand of Love (M) - Suzaku gets a tattoo kit to do a personal design on Lelouch, but things turn a little lime-y.
  • C.C Master Director (M) - Emperor Lelouch and Knight Suzaku come across fanfiction of themselves having "intimate relations", and re-enact it as punishment for destroying Pizza Hut. C.C. directs.
  • Commedia (M) - Millay's looking for her Romeo; she's already got the perfect Juliet!
  • Family Matters (T) - “It’s true, isn’t it?” Rolo said as he looked at Lelouch and Suzaku in most dramatic way. “You are my parents…”
  • For a Friend (T) - Sometimes, it takes a lot for people to shake themselves out of denial. This time, it takes Japan falling to a zombie apocalypse for Lelouch to come to terms with his feelings for Suzaku.
  • Get Your Hands Off My Girl...Er, Guy (M) - AU, in which Suzaku and Lelouch go to a club with Rivalz and a guy starts to flirt with Lelouch... So Suzaku gets angry, and at the end they start to fight for Lelouch.
  • gravity (M) - Lelouch has always been pretty close to the edge.
  • Kingdoms (M) - Mid-R2.21: the most unfortunate timeskip of them all. The road trip from hell, in which the boys mostly lose their minds, and CC mostly doesn't.
  • Liar Liar (T) - Lelouch Lamperouge; lady-killer, lover, and liar. Conning single, rich women out of every penny they have is his past time. Pretending to be gay to woo the world's wealthiest man and swindle him out of every cent he has is his mission.
  • Never Have I Ever (M) - Milly gets the gang together with some alcohol and 'Never Have I Ever...' Suzaku gets wasted and a mostly-sober Lelouch gets curious. Suzaku ends up demonstrating his skills to Lelouch.
  • Nobody Wants to Hear You Sing About Tragedy (M) - "Okay... ignoring the insinuation that you masturbated to a fantasy about me and Lelouch... why do you care?"
  • Phonecall (K+) - Kururugi Suzaku was one very corny person in the morning, so Lelouch had said. But Suzaku himself did not mind at all, because apparently he was not the only one being corny that morning.
  • Play for Keeps (T) - Lelouch gets stood up, unexpectedly. The bartender becomes his knight in shining armor.
  • Rules (T) - In which Suzaku abuses the power of mistletoe.
  • Snapshots (T) - A collection of one shots following the event of Pure Hearted Love. Some mere snapshots portraying the live of Lelouch vi Britannia and Kururugi Suzaku as the royal couple of The Holy Empire of Britannia.
  • Take A Break (K) - When Suzaku enters Lelouch’s study and the first thing he sees is Lelouch bent over a lengthy document, glaring at it as though trying to figure out the deeper meanings behind its very existence, Suzaku is pretty sure he’s come at just the right time.
  • To Build a Dream On (T) - Suzaku and Lelouch and five kisses between them.
  • too much talk, not enough sex (M) - Includes arguing, a walk through the courtyard, flowers, suggestive manners, flailing, and C.C.'s encouragements. Oh, and Lelouch being totally dominated.


  • A Dawn of Wyverns (M) - Exiled across the Narrow Sea, Lelouch agrees to a political marriage with Suzaku, a young shogun whose armies Lelouch must mobilize against the threat of Britannia's invasion. But as promising as their alliance seems to be, Lelouch and Suzaku soon discover that the struggle to find their places in the realm has only just begun.
  • Battle of Codes (T) - Lelouch endeavors to prove his and Suzaku's abilities in battle, though Cornelia really wishes he would just drop his Knight.
  • By Way of Mouth (M) - As a teacher, Lelouch had suffered through enough humiliating fits of spluttering and blushing in class to last a lifetime, all this at merely a wink or smirk from one student, Kururugi Suzaku.
  • Eden's East (T) - Lelouch hated that Suzaku was acting like a martyr when he would just die like a dog. But he hated himself even more for being too selfish to admit how much he cared. // Sequel to 'For Me, It's You'.
  • Eleventh Prince (M) - Destiny has a way of complicating fairytale romances.
  • Falling Away (T) - (Pacific Rim!AU) Rest would be much easier without the metallic tang of blood in his mouth and the dull numbness in his right leg, Lelouch thinks absently. His head is heavy, leaning on something hard; the thrum of his heartbeat is echoing along the curves of his cheeks.
  • For Me, It's You (M) - Wearing a yukata to the Ashford graduation festival was only the first of Lelouch's troubles - and certainly the least damaging of them all.
  • Here are the Words (that I left for You) (M) - Lelouch wrote down his thoughts, plans, hopes, fears, and dreams into his journal. When it's first found, everyone is ecstatic thinking they can finally find out what made the Demon Emperor tick, what made him do the things he did.
  • Just Like Magic! (M) - A fairy tale gone wrong in which Suzaku finds a wrong castle and Lelouch is a not-princess with some serious family issues.
  • Love Nothing (M) - End of series AU, wherein Zero Requiem did not go as planned. Suzaku is tired of ghosts.
  • Pure Hearted Love (T) - What if, instead of waging war against Japan, Britannia sought after an alliance by arranging a political marriage between them? What if the two parties involved was Lelouch vi Britannia and Kururugi Suzaku?
  • Silk and Steel (M) - In the milliseconds between blinks, Suzaku dreams of the taste of sweet sake and a body tucked against him in a warm bed. The taste is light on his tongue, the alcohol heavy in his mouth, and the dream shatters as Suzaku runs his katana through the eye socket of the man who charged at him.
  • Willful Muse (M) - Suzaku doesn’t quite know what to make of the mysterious writer, Zero. But maybe his work can help make heads or tails about his new, curious attraction to his neighbor, Lelouch - who also happens to be a writer.

No Stars

  • 3AM (M) - "...why do you need to know what I'm wearing?"
  • A Couple Extra Centimeters (K+) - Suzaku notices a slight height difference between him and Lelouch, and it totally doesn't bother him. Nope. Not at all.
  • A Turn Most Unexpected (M) - "Lelouch was 7 weeks pregnant when Zero Requiem happened" from cgkinkmemeii. When Lelouch's pregnancy is revealed to him and Suzaku only at the last possible moment, Lelouch must reconsider the outcome of the Requiem and think of a solution which will save instead of damn them all.
  • All I Want for Christmas (K) - All Lelouch wants for Christmas is Suzaku.
  • Ambivalence (M) - Somewhat jealous of C.C.'s perceived intimacy with Lelouch, Suzaku wonders what he is to the Emperor. C.C. watches.
  • Barnes and Noble Sucks (T) - An aspiring writer finds his path to success blocked by his own boss. And also by that one dork who works at the local Barnes and Noble
  • Becoming Clean (M) - Thing is, Lelouch makes Suzaku feel so normal. Suzaku doesn't understand how anyone could be such a virgin when Suzaku is, by all accounts, a sex addict.
  • Behind Those Wonderful Double Grand Doors (T) - That day, the four ladies of Ashford Academy heard some very interesting things behind the closed door of student council room. And what part exactly does aloe gel play in that?
  • Beneath the Façade (T) - Perhaps we wear our masks, not just to hide ourselves from the world, but to see who would care enough to look behind the mask to see our true face.
  • Best Laid Plans (M) - Suzaku decides to seduce Lelouch, but Lelouch has other plans.
  • Black and White (M) - Their relationship is infinitely more complicated now that Lelouch and Suzaku are on opposite sides of the chess board. How impossible is it for the black king to love a white knight?
  • Blank Slate (M) - This is what Suzaku wakes up to: a white ceiling, a dead princess, and no memories whatsoever. At rock bottom, he's trying to piece his life back together. And then there is this Lelouch guy who claims to be his boyfriend.
  • Breakfast (M) - Lelouch decides to wear something different while making breakfast for Suzaku...
  • Bunny Love (T) - Just because Lelouch’s shoulders were shaking and he had a hand covering his mouth didn’t mean he was laughing.
  • Catching Smiles (K+) - 10-year-old Suzaku has an unnerving habit of sticking his fingers in places where they really don't belong.
  • Complex (T) - Suzaku is so used to Lelouch hiding one thing or another from him that now he expects him to.
  • Crossdress (T) - The Student Council president flipped her legs flirtatiously across one of the classroom's desks, scratching an ankle with the end of her shoe. She responded prettily through her teeth, "It's hair."
  • Cursed (T) - Once upon a time, Suzaku was lost.
  • Dark Knight (M) - Knightmare cockpits are dark. Incredibly dark. And soundproof. Quite fortunate for Suzaku who rather enjoys doing some...well, rather naughty things in them. Thank god Lelouch is flexible because cockpits aren't really known for their spaciousness. And that word.
  • Define Blue (T) - It was so cute and endearing and unexpected and so much like Lelouch he couldn't help but grin to himself.
  • Delirium (T) - Lelouch should have known that all those sleepless nights spent with the Black Knights would have a consequence. // “I would have never imagined that tough little Lulu would have a Cheese-kun in his room.”
  • Delusions of Grandeur (M) - In which the fitness-challenged Lelouch has aspirations to dominate Suzaku, and Suzaku proves to him that he was only ever meant to be loved.
  • Detention (T) - "Kururugi-kun. Do you know why you are here?" At the 'kun' address, Suzaku deepens his frowning, "Someone ratted me out?"
  • Don't Trust Me (M) - When Lelouch loses his job, his desperate need for money sends him to do something his best friend, Suzaku Kururugi, would never imagine him doing
  • Eavesdropping (T) - Eavesdropping is rude, crude, and, apparently, about as trustworthy as the latest rumors; but that doesn't stop Milly from barging in to Lelouch's and listening to the 'interesting' interaction she can hear happening on the other side of the bedroom door...
  • First Kisses (K+) - Nunnally reveals to the student council that Lelouch's first kiss was Suzaku. The council members freak out, and Lelouch acts like a dork.
  • First Snow (T) - After a late-night heavy snowstorm, Suzaku and Lelouch have their own fun in the cold snow.
  • Fool Me Twice (M) - Lelouch and Suzaku used to be lovers. Now that Suzaku is back at Ashford, Lelouch has to fake it or risk Nunnally’s safety.
  • For Daws to Peck At (M) - "The fact that you can recite Shakespeare at a time like this really turns me off," Lelouch drawled out lowly, his eyes narrowed at Suzaku to get his point across. But nevertheless, Suzaku just laughed and smiled.
  • Fruit of Our Love (M) - SuzaLulu Mpreg fluff.
  • Guinevere (K+) - As Lelouch Lamperouge watched The Knight of Three, Gino Weinberg, browsing through the school's old photographs, he began to think that brain was surely not an important factor for someone to be accepted into The Knights of Round.
  • His Majesty's Dog (T) - What would Suzaku think about that kiss with Kallen?
  • His Royal Majesty (M) - A little exhibitionism never hurt anybody.
  • Hush (T) - Suzaku smiled as Lelouch gasped out his name, breaking the silence. “Hush,” he whispered in reply, mending it again.
  • I am in love with you (M) - Time passes, people change, people change time. He isn't exactly like what he remembers, but his feelings for him are the same.
  • Imitation Magic (T) - Because --Just Like Magic!-- wasn't silly enough.
  • in for a penny (K) - studying/party planning/working on school budgets/basically any activity that ought to be simple but quickly gets out of hand thanks to Milly
  • In The Army (M) - Military officer!Lulu and Solider!Suzaku. Kinks: crop whips, military uniforms, topping from bottom, and dirty talking. M/M, explicit, dubcon, roleplay, hair tugging, plus all of the above.
  • In the Cards (M) - A friendly game of poker turns into much, much more.
  • Is What You Have Really What You Want? (M) - Suzaku Kururugi is your normal high school student. He's got the greatest girl, goes to the greatest school and has the greatest life. But when a new student comes along, he startes to question everything.
  • Just Friends (M) - Is what Lelouch and Suzaku keep telling everyone that they are and really, they couldn't imagine being anything other than that. Or, well, that's what they thought.
  • Knight by Conscription (T) - All he wanted was a normal life—a normal house, a normal dog, a normal wife. What he got was knighthood to a prince he wanted very much to stab with a knife.
  • Love amp Sex (M) - As soon as he transfers to Ashford Academy, Suzaku meets Lelouch and is inexplicably drawn to him right away. But there is something strange about the Britannian man he has yet to find out...
  • Maid Service (M) - Lelouch Britannia was not expecting what his new employer had in mind but went along. Why? His sister. Plus he looks drop dead sexy in a black mini skirt.
  • Medium Drip Lemon Ripple (K) - If all the excess caffeine in his system isn't going to kill Suzaku, then the newest regular surely is.
  • Melting Ice (M) / WIP - Suzaku was burning hot. He was kind, honest, brave... persistent, and unlike anyone Lelouch had ever met before. However, as usual, he knew it was critical for him to keep his distance. After all, Lelouch had already frozen over a long, long time ago, and everyone knows what happens when fire meets ice
  • Mistletoe (K) - Christmas fic! My first ever drabble. Lelouch gets pinned in the doorway of the Stu-Cou room by Mlly, who's looking to play Christmas Cupid, but Lulu's good at finding loopholes and may be too much for her this time... if a naive Suzaku doesn't ruin his plans.
  • Motorcycle Madness (M) - Suzaku and Lelouch take a little ride on a motorcycle. That's it, really.
  • My Best Friend (M) - He barely got to say goodbye.
  • Negative (M) - At the sight of Lelouch's gaze on him trickling steadily into a sort of lucid astonishment, the red on his cheeks darken from embarrassment
  • Never Meant You Harm (K) - Nineteen years after her brother's death, Nunnally gets a shocking surprise.
  • New Beginnings (T) - Suzaku spends his leisure in the untamed rural hills of Japan after the end of the war. Though there are other ways to live that would make his life a bit easier, he chooses this lifestyle because of an important secret he's been keeping...
  • Not As You'd Expect (M) - Though it was different from what he anticipated, he couldn't say he was disappointed.
  • Nothing So Simple (T) - If only it truly was as simple as a single sentence.
  • Omelas (K) - Because if there is one person who can justify the suffering of a few for the prosperity of many, it's Lelouch.
  • Peccadillo (M) - "I kind of like the sound of extra credit," Suzaku leers.
  • Return (T) - It's one year after the Demon Emperor's death, and Suzaku has a visit from someone he wasn't expecting to see again.
  • Rumor Has It (M) - Suzaku has joined the Black Knights as Zero's trusted right hand (would never happen, but whatever). It isn't long until everyone starts noticing that Zero acts...different with Suzaku. Less formal and restrained, and giving Suzaku special attention. Also, there are times when Zero and Suzaku have long meetings alone in Zero's office. Speculation arises, rumors sprout up, all of which is eventually proven when the door to Zero's office is accidentally left ajar during one of these "meetings", treating curious individuals to the sight of Suzaku screwing their leader on the desk.
  • Seduce Me (M) - Suzaku Kururugi is known for his methods of seduction and heartbreaking. With his newest target being a certain amethyst eyed male, will he be able to follow through with his game of seduction?
  • Seduction and Wedding Gowns (M) - Ashford Academy is putting on a production of Cinderella, and guess who's roped into modeling Cinderella's dress for its final fitting? Our favorite boy, Lelouch! Too bad Suzaku likes him in the dress a litte too much...especially when everybody's gone
  • Sensitive (M) - Suzaku Kururugi should not be allowed on the internet. Lelouch has some damage control to take care of.
  • Snake Factor (T) - Lelouch Lamperouge is not afraid of snakes. He just prefers to admire them from a distance.
  • Spin The Birthday (K) - Just some fluff, posted up for Lelou's birthday
  • Spoonful (K+) - "I was just going to say that you have ice cream all over your face."
  • Strictly Come Dancing (T) - In which Suzaku indulges in chocolate, Lelouch learns about the perils of having a Valentine, and Cee-Cee tutors both in the arts of love and seduction.
  • Stripped (M) - Lelouch says, "Don't shoot unless you're prepared to be shot," but do maxims like that still apply when Suzaku starts taking off his clothes? Lelouch finds an attraction slowly stirring both of them. Flirtation between friends is fine, but Lelouch is still Zero, the one Suzaku denies. If their emotions are stripped down and bared, will they come to understand each other, or will misunderstandings just destroy them? What about once plans have been laid down for Zero Requiem?
  • Swimming Lessons (K+) - Suzaku wants to teach Lelouch how to swim. Lelouch is... displeased to find out they're going skinny-dipping.
  • The Angel and The Human (T) - Do you want to know? How an angel fell in love with a human?
  • The Art of Compromise (M) - With his arrest of Zero, Suzaku will see that Lelouch is brought to justice, but everything derails when Lelouch unexpectedly goes into heat.
  • The Cradle of Summer (K) - It has been more than a decade, and at long last, Suzaku is free of the mask. His heart, however, will never be free of his King.
  • The Diagnosis (T) - Lelouch receives some unpleasant news at the doctor's. Why is everyone taking it so calmly?
  • The Evil White Knight (T) - If he didn’t die laughing, Lelouch swore to kill Suzaku for putting him through such a humiliating experience or spend his afterlife as Suzaku’s personal poltergeist. // “Is that a threat?” Suzaku smiled. “Maybe. Want to find out?”
  • The Importance of Remaining (M) - "Don't call me that, Suzaku. I am no girlfriend of yours." The soldier-child agreed seriously— though Lelouch didn't trust that stupid grin. "It's probably a good thing too. I don't think I'm that partial to women."
  • The Love Life of A World Conqueror (T) - He might be someone that would conquer the world, but still, he was a teenager that had some issues with his love life.
  • Times ruin (T) - Suzaku and Lelouch are trapped and with Lelouch's desire for blood growing ever stronger and the only source of blood is his best friend what will he do?
  • Together Away on the Wind (K) - December 5th was a day of happiness.
  • Trail of Dead (M) - Because what was hate, anyway, but another kind of love? Fire was fire, and it still burned.
  • Unconscious Beauty (M) - It's what Suzaku wants. And really, given that Lelouch is Lelouch, is there any better way for him to give up control?
  • Valentine's Festival (M) - Milly's evil plotting seems to be leading to a bad day for Lelouch. But maybe it won't be as bad as he thought...
  • Vanilla Swirl (T) - Suzaku never realized how messily Lelouch tended to eat his ice cream. // “Suzaku?”
  • Visions (T) - The knight protects the king, but who protects the knight?
  • Walk On In (Not Rated) - Lelouch had an odd habit of taking strays… especially unwanted ones. Suzaku, the Japanese biker who waltzes into his home without permission, comes with more baggage than he can handle... like the Black Knights, like Zero.
  • War, or Maybe a Game (T) - Lelouch goes to Suzaku for advice and help.
  • We All Fall Apart (M) - When Cecile asks him if he's gotten enough sleep lately, Suzaku passes out.
  • We Should Stay Like This (T) - Suzaku comes home after a really long day at Lelouch's former home. He finds Lelouch asleep or so he thought.
  • What Would You Do for a Klondike? (M) - Lelouch gives Suzaku a Klondike bar...piece by piece.
  • Within Your Scars (M) - “I’ve heard a rumor,” Lloyd says, “that the Kururugi clan has a champion.” His grin stretches wider. “A young man with a clever mind and a lawyer’s badge.”
  • Wrong (M) - After Euphie's confession to him, Suzaku simply felt wrong. And, when something feels wrong, isn't the best way to properly remedy the situation to counter it with something "right" instead?
  • You're in my spot to die (T) - It isn't that they plan it or anything, but Lelouch supposes that there's not much else to say to someone who's trying to kill himself on your rooftop.
  • Yours, Mine, Ours...Forever (T) - Suzaku is attacked by his vampire lover for no reason but is surprised to find out why.
dec 12 2016 ∞
sep 30 2017 +