i told the Stars about You.

Although there are many withering flowers, things here won't wither. Our love will never rest.

Oh little one, mine. How you have stolen my soul, completely. You taught me, in your endlessly patient way, what is truly important. You have the sweetest, most gentle spirit of any creature I've ever known.

And I can no longer imagine a world without your radiant smile. You are the very embodiment of love, unconditional.

"Oh, how foolish you are", They said.. "How much joy and love and tenderness you deny yourself!" If only they, and every other cold-hearted person, could know You or have something in their life as sweet as you what a different world this would be..

Full of abiding happiness and love. You are everything to me, little one and I care not who finds me silly or foolish because of that.

You are a part of me, and always will be as surely and deeply as any other creature I've ever known. You are a blessing and a miracle sent from heaven and I have a full, full heart all because of You.

jan 13 2019 ∞
dec 13 2019 +