• how to do blur on stuff out of focus blur tool like this http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=big&illust_id=40865115
          • "just blur tool...? LOL can also select with feathered edges, fliter, gaussian blue"
  • Hey Leslie! Do you have any advice for Art Center Illustration apps? I know figure drawings are important but other than that, what would be good to submit?
          • A sketchbook, examples of still life drawings and/or paintings, and some personal work. I'm pretty sure I had 1-2 paintings in my entrance portfolio and mostly figure/head drawings, a sketchbook and like 3-5 personal pieces/drawings.
  • I want you to fill this book with things you like to do, what do you like watch, things you admire, things that catches your attention in good or bad way and if it is possible I want the drawings or cuts that you will add to the sketchbook in colour
feb 20 2014 ∞
sep 22 2014 +