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have fun examining my interests and putting me under a microscope. i still have a lot to try (and to remember to update), so... it'll be fun to see where this goes.

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  • 魔女の家
  • Original made with RPG Maker VX, remade in MV by ふみー ("Fummy")
  • Original English Download
  • MV ($15): Steam / Switch / Xbox One / PS4
  • Content: Blood, gore, body horror, "detailed" pixel deaths, hanging, animal death, jumpscares
  • HLTB Estimate: About 2 hours for main game (MV's Extra Mode may take around the same time, 1 to 2 hours?)
  • Thoughts / "review" written on July 27. I've played the game multiple times before, and it's been a couple of months since I've last played it myself.
  • General Rating: 9
  • Personal Enjoyment: 10. i am so biased
  • Thoughts
    • One of my all-time favorite RPG Maker games, both as a horror title and in general. While MV is pretty much the same game as the original, there are little changes to the maps and puzzles that make for a better experience. Not to mention the incredible visual overhaul done! There's so much character in every sprite, with various idle animations, extra death animations should you return to certain spots, and the way they all fit together. It all looks lovely.
    • I've always enjoyed TWH's fast-paced style that keeps the player on their toes. The puzzles are simple in a way, but you never quite know what to expect or how you might die next, made incredibly clear from the first room you enter inside the house. Not everyone's a fan of the trial-and-error system, but I've come to love it, especially when you get to watch others play for the very first time. TWH doesn't have a dreary horror ambience the whole way through, but I think that works to its benefit. For one, it carries its own charm, and second, it makes some of the scares even more effective (the menu secret immediately coming to mind). Even if you do know the solutions, I find it fun to revisit every now and then to see how much better I've gotten. I probably won't speedrun it, but I have fun.
    • Not to mention MV's Extra mode... this game seems to do a great job with being unpredictable, and unpredictable Extra mode is, telling you upfront this mode is "For those who want a punishing experience." It can be a little frustrating not realizing you have to backtrack for the first time in the game, but there's something entertaining about that, too. Extra's a fascinating mix of suffering and satisfying if you're familiar with the base game.
    • I've said this much and haven't even talked about the story, so... VAGUE STORY SPOILERS BELOW. The game itself keeps it very simple, with a few diary entries here and there filling you in on what's going on, but there's a lot to re-examine once you finish. Extra mode adds some more details that are also touched on in the novel/manga The Diary of Ellen (which I'd recommend giving a try), but there are lots of secrets, like the no save run changes, ignoring the distraction poster and being able to explore the area that usually results in your death (or being able to read things when playing Extra mode), the ending you can get for waiting outside in the first room for an hour straight... there are a lot of little things like that I adore, even though they all lead to the same somber outcome. But there's a sort of brilliance with it - a "final twist" in the end after a house full of them. It's certainly memorable to many, including myself. Otherwise, I don't think I'd be typing up a short essay here.
    • So in conclusion I like the game it's a favorite of mine you should try it or watch someone play it if jumpscares and the likes aren't your thing (I understand because that's how I am too)
jul 27 2023 ∞
jul 27 2023 +