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Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice.

Teltnuag movies (Movies I've Seen)

the air in my lungs, the four(?) little moles forming a triangle on my forehead, actually you know what, i'm thankful for all the moles on my body, my nose, my eyes, my face, my body, my bodily functions, my wavy and frizzy hair, all the clothes and other stuff i hoarded over the years, my stuffed companions, my parents and my siblings, all the people i've had the pleasure to know and interact with, people who were my friends, people who are my friends and people i'll become friends with, people i fell in love with, people i'm in love with, people i'll be in love with, people who betrayed me and people i've betrayed, people i didn't get to know and people i'll never get to know, people who loved me and people who love me now and people who will love me at some point in the future, people who didn't choose me, people i didn't choose, people who tried to convert me into their religion, people who sold me stuff, all the people. people. people. the word people looks weird now. i'm thankful for the sunny mornings and the rainy mornings, the cloudy mornings and the snowy mornings, just mornings in general and the nights i slept peacefully, the nights i didn't sleep peacefully. thankful for the trips i took and will take, the books and poems i read and will read, the songs and conversations and voices i've listened to and will listen to, the book and movie characters i rampaged and rejoiced along with, the things i found comfort in, pets and cars and tunnels and cities. thankful for all the things i'm able to do, making someone smile or laugh, complimenting someone, comforting someone, loving, laughing, crying, feeling all the feels, understanding english, reading, speaking, talking, giving speeches, running for the class president and holding doors open for strangers, smiling at babies, picking up toddlers, petting animals, eating, going out with my friends, buying books, giving gifts, going to birthday parties and skipping birthday parties, waking up early and sleeping in, going to school and skipping school, showering and washing my clothes, turning the lights on and off, taking pictures and looking at them later. thankful for this feeling of awareness and consciousness. thankful that i feel thankful.

feb 20 2022 ∞
feb 21 2022 +