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hi i'm nick and i'm a millennial loser who drops my phone a lot and wants to be an academic, yell about shit with me!

listography NEW NEWS

this seemed like a cool thing to do so i'll join the hype

  • name: nick
  • birthday & mbti: 27 january (♒️) - enfp
  • location: dallas, tx, usa
  • occupation: emerging media & communications and sociology student
  • pronouns & gender: he/him, cis male
  • orientation: bi, prefers guys
  • relationship status: taken
  • height/weight: 6'4" (194cm)
  • tattoos: none (yet)
  • piercings: none (yet)
  • siblings: 3 (two older, one younger)
jan 21 2017 ∞
nov 19 2017 +

i love music! one of the things i always have with me is a pair of earbuds. generally, you can catch me listening to:

  • pop-punk/power pop songs
  • eurovision songs
  • (good) anime songs
  • idk man, like i have handfuls of songs that fall into any genre, but those three are the majority

with a few exceptions, that covers most of my taste. some of my favorite songs are:

  • "for baltimore" - all time low
  • "shining bright" - madcraft
  • "first date" - blink-182
  • "kedvesem" - byealex
  • "todas as ruas do amor" - flor-de-lis
  • "dancing on my own" - robyn
  • "the one that got away" - katy perry
  • "one more time, one more chance" - masayo...
jan 21 2017 ∞
aug 25 2017 +

this is the stuff i have and use on a daily basis

  • 11 inch macbook air covered in stickers
  • gold iPhone SE that desperately needs to be freed from its mortal toil
  • iPad mini that has my textbooks on it
  • a 12-month planner with multiple colored pens
  • my trusty black backpack covered in 61 (yes, i counted) pins

i love it all very much lol

jan 21 2017 ∞
nov 19 2017 +

because i'm really a big nerd, here's a list of my favorite things:

  • food: really greasy thin crust cheese pizza
  • drink: pepsi! (don't @ me for this)
  • time to sleep: around 2am
  • outfit: i'm really into layering graphic tees under flannel right now, so probably that
  • city: los angeles! or helsinki. either one.
  • class at uni: this semester, it might be storytelling, but overall it's the topics in emerging media class i took in fall 2016!

now for more "interesting" stuff

  • book: hmm, possibly "blankets" by craig thompson
  • tv show: is eurovision a tv show? if not, then frasier
jan 21 2017 ∞
jan 21 2017 +

some stuff that i'm really hyped for includes:

  • voltron season 4!!!!!
  • more political activism
  • traveling abroad (hopefully to portugal for eurovision 2018!)
  • getting a little healthier
  • writing more!
jan 21 2017 ∞
nov 19 2017 +

i'm a full time uni student with a part time job, so i don't have a ton of free time, but i do have a lot of aspirations lol. with what time i do have, i enjoy:

  • walking around my college campus
  • browsing twitter/tumblr/social media
  • watching pointless youtube videos
  • hanging around with friends

that being said, i'd like to give more time to:

  • writing!!! please god get me to write
  • layouts and design
  • reading actual narratives
  • going on adventures off campus
jan 21 2017 ∞
jan 22 2017 +

i'm not in many fandoms, but when i AM in a fandom, i'll get really involved and interested (hopefully). my main fandoms are:

  • eurovision
  • haikyuu
  • yuri on ice
  • welcome to the nhk
  • all time low
  • voltron: legendary defender
  • check please
  • undertale
  • free!
  • the tatami galaxy
  • your lie in april
jan 21 2017 ∞
nov 19 2017 +

at least at the moment, this is a pretty wide category of media. on youtube exclusively, i mostly care about:

  • nail tutorials (they're relaxing okay)
  • dan bell's dead mall series
  • amvs
  • usually really dumb videos, like the kind that would've been viral in 2007
  • any random threads i decide to pick up

as for other media, i'm obviously trying to watch more and more anime every day, but i also want to start knocking out traditional tv shows like community, brooklyn 99, etc. currently, i'm watching:

  • gekkan shoujo nozaki kun
  • neon genesis evangelion
  • steven universe
jan 21 2017 ∞
nov 19 2017 +

i guess this is kind of like a before you follow? idk, but this stuff is pretty important:

  • i have depression and anxiety! i'll probably mention it a lot, but i won't go in depth
  • it's bad, but i have tendencies to subtweet. it's rarely anyone actually on twitter, but i'll tag it just in case
  • a LOT of my tweets will have curses in them, and i'm just a pretty nsfw kinda guy, so if that bugs you, i want you to be aware
  • also there'll be a lot of suggestive things, this is a hard pg-13 account, so prepare your eyes lol
  • i can be really negative at times, but i'll generally make it clear that it's a hard day for me
  • (if it's really bad, i'll go onto my vent account. if you want to follow that, got...
jan 22 2017 ∞
jan 22 2017 +