• 2: dont remmeber much there was dolly and she was really pretty and she sat across from me and something happened some sort of conflict and she was apparently like engaged and her angry fiancee came in and there was a s ort of brawl idk it was very intnense and i was very into it and like i guess it was a manifestation of me being very insecure bc i scream ed like she was pretty smart and talented and yea idk . cries a lot
  • 22: i haven't been keeping up. i have dreams but my grasp on them loosens so quickly, by the time i get to the computer i only have a wisp of a one moment; by the time i get to listography, it's gone witht he breeze that comes through the window.
  • 30: wow so it was sort of intense i had to do this thing it was like intnese wish i remembered what it was. ha terrible month for dreams im terrible
sep 1 2013 ∞
oct 1 2013 +