- bts ♥︎ hoseok, ♡ seokjin, yoongi
- seventeen ♥︎ junhui, ♡ chan, minghao
- stellar ♡ hyoeun
- pristin ♥︎ kyungwon, ♡ sungyeon, yehana
[broken heart emoji]:
- stellar ♥︎ jeonyul (ha ha)
- shinee ♥︎ jonghyun (you were such an inspiration to me. i will never fully comprehend this happening. i love you)
- dalshabet ♥︎ subin (lmao)
- laboum ♥︎ yulhee (its fine lol)
- gugudan ♡ hyeyeon
- girls girls
- ioi
- wonder girls ♡ yubin
- snsd ♡ seohyun
- jbj ♡ donghan
- rainz ♡ seonghyuk
- rania ♡ xia
- winner ♡ taehyun
- spica ♡ sihyun
- rainbow ♡ jisook
- brave girls ♡ hyeran
- history ♡ yijeong
- sistar ♡ dasom
- bestie ♡ haeryung
- toppdogg ♡ minsung
- dia ♡ eunjin
- nu'est ♡ jonghyun
- 9muses A ♡ ot4 (tho i keep up with most former members too)
- wjsn ♡ yeoreum, dawon
- gugudan ♡ ot9
- clc ♡ seungyeon
- ladies' code ♡ ashley
- exid ♡ hyelin
- uni.t ♡ ot9 uni.t we raise you up
- fromis_9 ♡ hayoung
- sonamoo ♡ highd
- berrygood ♡ sehyung
- dreamcatcher ♡ dami
- lovelyz ♡ mijoo
- brave girls ♡ yujeong
- oh my girl ♡ ot8
- dia ♡ ot9
- loona ♡ yeojin
- matilda ♡ saebyeol
- red velvet ♡ seulgi
- twice ♡ jihyo
- gfriend ♡ sinb
- brown eyed girls ♡ gain
- aoa ♡ yuna
- f(x) ♡ luna
- hellovenus ♡ lime
- astro ♡ jinjin
- monsta x ♡ jooheon
- got7 ♡ youngjae
- vixx ♡ hakyeon
- day6 ♡ youngk
- infinite ♡ sungjong
- nct dream ♡ chenle, jisung
- good day ♡ viva
- pentagon ♡ yanan
- victon ♡ heochan
fave soloists:
- ♥︎ anda
- ♥︎ hyuna
- ♥︎ sunmi
- ♥︎ samuel
- lee hi
- cosmic girl (ex-rania jooyi)
- chungha
- ailee
- secret's hyosung (don't stan the group)
- nc.a
feb 3 2017 ∞
nov 9 2018 +