• replace this text with your list
  • begin each item with an asterisk
mar 19 2018 ∞
mar 19 2018 +
  • bold links for what I haven't read yet

Note: one star means it was ok, two and up means it's actively good. white stars mean I disliked something, I'm just reserving three stars and up for standouts

Les Miserables

  • We Are Who We Are ★★★★ another You've Got Mail or She Loves Me AU and because of that of course I adore it how can I not. the ending wasn't perfect (big surprise I know) but all in all SUPER GREAT
  • World Ain't Ready ★★★★★ ok I'm giving this five stars purely out of how much I loved it even though I feel like the ending is a bit. unsatisfying (GEE HOW UNUSUAL FOR A LES MIS FIC HUH????) basically its the ideal fake dating scenario and its so funny and awkward. and E basically is like lets be fake boyfriends to raise LGBT visibility at our school and R at first refuses w...
jun 11 2016 ∞
mar 23 2020 +