- Finish Psychology
- and Geometry before the end of June!!!
- Beachbeachbeach. AtLEAST 20 more times. We live in Florida, there is no excuse.
- Get another cute bikini :DD
- Drive aimlessly around town with friends(one with a car please)
- Get lost!
- Go running on the beach with dogs.
- Not get eaten by a shark
- Sleep outdoors
- Have a picnic
- preferably on the roof
- Write a story.
- Spend a day reading in the library
- Flirt with a cute lifeguard ;]
- Beat Paper Mario again.
- Actually FINISH a Zelda game other than TP
- Go to an actual concert?
- Learn to roller blade properly!
- Get a job.
- Get some paper lanterns for bedroom.
- Get permit!
- Not crash and die while obtaining said permit.
- Order Chinese food by myself. :]
- Open a bank account.
- Get red highlights to go with dark brown hair.
- Go see a midnight opening of a movie with friends.
- Clean my room.
- Dress up as a harry potter character and go for a stroll through the Town center or Regency Mall. :]
- Be a geek.
- Egg a friends house, then help them clean it up. xD
- Learn new and exciting words 8D (preferably of the slang variety so that no one knows what I'm talking about.)
- Find and read another addictive book series.
- Skinny Dip.
- Try something I've never tried before.
- Jump off a waterfall into a pool of water.
- Face a fear.
- Play Chinese Fire drill
- Branch out and make new friends
- Get over my terminal shyness
- Watch every episode of House, and Sailor Moon. In order.
- Get tanner
- But not burnt.
- More piercings.
- Sleep at home as little as possible
- Go camping
- Go hiking
- Swim in the ocean in water that I can't stand in
- Learn to surf
- Play on a slip and slide
- Make prank calls
- Watch the sunrise at the beach
- Watch the sunrise from my roof
- Bake a cake, by myself, from scratch
- Learn to cook
- Paint my room
- Learn a new language
- Stop biting my nails completely
- Catch a snake
- Hug a stranger
- Go on a scavenger hunt
- Paint a sunset
- Hug 100 people
- Have themed days!
- Get friends to participate.
- Get away from my computer. Seriously. xD
- Make a giant sandcastle!
- Dig a hole to China!
- Go on a boat ride
- Have a bonfire
- Dance around a bonfire
- Dance in the rain
- Go swimming during a Hurricane
- Jump off a high dive
- Make one thousand paper cranes
- Practice piano more often!
- get organized. xD
- Teepee my own house :D
- Teepee someone else's house. ;D
- Ohemgee play flag football again!!!
- Ichetuckneeeeee.
- Play hide and seek(or Man Hunt) in the woods. Scarrryyy.
- OhEmGee Cracker Barrel.
- Race shopping carts with friends!!!
- Stay up for 48 hours straight, therefore beating my previous record (of like, 32 hours)
- Stop listening to mother's paranoid theories/stop being paranoid.
jun 2 2009 ∞
jan 2 2010 +