• school wise... hmmm. just lazy. making it through. i'm not too excited to go to ucla anymore. more of uci. hahaha. idk. i really need to re-motivate myself... because it's coming. D: anyways. tooo overwhelming this post. hahaha. i'll talk to you later. [23 may 2009]
  • the unhappy ending - stars

the song reminds me of bonnie and clyde, the criminals who were also in love with each other. but i think this song's meaning reflects romance more than b&c.

i felt that the couple in this song were not meant to be together. the female feels that they were supposed to be together; he was supposed to save her. she's gone from the song because he doesn't choose to save that relationship. instead he moves on and tries to run away. he gets away. [16 feb 2009]

  • hahah. i went to confession today and omg. WEIGHT OFF MY SHOULDERS. :D

in the end the priest told me i was very sharp for my age and he encouraged me to study harder. later my parents told me my confession took a while when really we were chatting about personality tests and politics. LMAO. [2 dec 2008]

  • R.I.P. Bernie Mac, Isaac Hayes, and Fanny Pak’s dreams. [11 aug 2008]
  • plusle: the weird moment when i was on hold to schedule an appointment. i was waiting for what seemed like an hour & i said "omg if anyone can hear me, my battery is about to die." MAGICALLY, they answered. hmm. / oh & i had my first lotto scratcher/lotto thingy ever. i won six bucks. :D [11 sep 2008]
  • and this dream was weird because, for some reason it wanted to keep going, but knew i was about to wake up. so it quickly gave me details. D: [only listing the hilarious detail]
    • sarah palin banned harry potter books.
  • apparently, i look like some twelve year old's ex girlfriend. :/

i've also been told that i'm small.

i was like. oh. well i'm not a midget.[4 sep 2008]

  • idk what happened, but he randomly showed up and told me that he made a sign-in sheet for vista. it was freaking cute. :D he crossed off valley and put vista in front of murrieta and i just smiled. haaah.
jun 25 2010 ∞
jun 26 2010 +