NOT going to write names. just what they did. if you find this and then find yours... then you're awesome.

  • b, hahahahah. DUDE. we've been following each other since elementary school... and THIS TIME WE WILL KIND OF BE SEPARATED. but for some reason i know you will be in my life whether it is meeting online to help our lame-o level 40s level up on wow or having those random night drives where we drop down our windows and blast whatever music. thank you for listening to meeeeeeeeee and just everything that you do. you're such a GOOD person and a great friend. hahah. good as in good not bad. i think i'll use awesome so you're not offended. LOL. ps. *chin wave*
  • hj. thank you for being some kind of big brother to me. i will miss your sarcasm and deadpan humor and whatnot. you are very wise. and thank you for being a shoulder when i had a random breakdown moment. YOU PROBABLY TOLD YOUR BFF, but whatever. he already knows how embarrassing i can get.
  • for some reason, it feels like i've known you for the LONGEST TIME. i didn't really start hanging out with you until like fall semester, but you are super genuine, chivalrous, hilarious, and just downright awesome minus those times when you would attempt to be gangsta, but fail somewhat miserably. i think most of our conversations consisted of COMPLAINING, laughing, and making fun of each other... and i will definitely miss that. :') hahaha have funn where you will be. :D
  • gep! ahhaha this one really is for you. it's soooo hilarious that we became really really really really awesome friends after idk... I WALKED YOU INTO A WALL TWICE DURING THE BLIND TRUST WALK. wtf. hahahahaha. i love how we have random juno-esque couch on the lawn conversations in like the MOST random places (tarZJAY... etc). we really are partners in crime--FREEEE SWAG? AHHAHAH. but i love how youuuuuu and i never have those awkward moments with each other and we're always going from laughing over something stupid to talking about something real (INTELLECTUALLY BIPOLAR? HAHAHAHAH). we will have that business together i know it. :D
  • hahah thank you for understanding me when i randomly ditched bio the first semester to go get some SUSHI or whatever it is that i needed. hey i still got my A. lmao. HOPEFULLY you don't take this the wrong way, but you helped me become a little bit more realistic with my being ridiculously nice to someone who can be a little bit snarky and whatnot. hahaha. thank you for all those random adventures and being super thoughtful and just always there for me. hahaha. thank you for listening to my stories and just getting me out of awkward situations LOL.
  • I don't know how i am going to survive my two years at uci without sneaking into the front desk or using the hand lotion in your cabinet, but i will definitely visit to steal the chinese restaurant almond-esque cookies and whatever is going to be in the breakroom (if you guys finally hook up that tv in there, i will be MAD). thank you for being a big sister to me; you definitely are mother teresa! LOL.
  • i have your internet schedule memorized and feel distraught whenever you're not online! omfg. as a cousin and a GREAT friend, i am soooooooooo thankful to have you in my life. i didn't expect us to become closer mainly because i was at that stage where oh this lady is 509 times older than me and i'm like 5. hahaha. but you're soooo wise and amazing and ahhh. :'( lost is over, but i am sooooo happy for those text message commentaries and just everything. i'm thankful for you picking up your phone when i'm CRYINGGGGGGGGGGGG. :'(
  • YOU! i've known you for how long now? even though we're not going to the same school like originally planned, i am glad to have you in my life (no homo). irvine and la are super close to each other... not. even by traffic. yuck. but i'd rather go to irvine than cornell LOL. i love how we just understand what the other is thinking or have similar random impulses. actually i love how we just have random impulses... like that time we saw fast and the furious and we just felt like racing to san diego? HAHAHA. did we actually do it? no. but i remember that one summer whenever we felt like going to asianville, it was like HEY LET'S DO THIS THING. i'm so glad to have met your family which i get along oh so well withhhhhhhhhhhh. :') ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. MORE RANDOM SLEEPOVERS WITH OFFICE MARATHONS TO COME. lmao.
may 28 2010 ∞
jun 8 2010 +