• bonfires. bwahahahah. there are at least 2 i know of for sure.
  • disneyland. i already went three times since summer started, BUT THAT'S NOT ENOUGH PASS-WRECKING. actually i need to update my debit card since CHASE finally sent me my card. -_- -_- -_-
  • free la day. ahhaha.
  • help fold a thousand cranes.
  • movie marathon night of some sort. old timey horror movies (so i can wreck that dvd set i got). disney night again? hahaha idk.
  • re-read harry potter. to get rid of the bad taste of the storytelling that i will seee when i watch eclipse (only for taylor HOTner).
  • shopping for my college housing. :'( omg. it's REAL. it's real. actually it was real when i bought the bedding a few days ago.
  • something with leanno piano. BECAUSE I HAVEN'T SEEN/TALKED TO THAT DOUCHE IN A WHILE. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
  • something with the asb kids.
  • something with the ptk kids.
jun 26 2010 ∞
sep 5 2010 +