• "dude, you're singing the wrong words." "no i'm not, because i'm making a remix."
  • being so G you're almost H.
  • comebacks that make the whole room go "OOOOOHHHHH"
  • dear homework, you're not attractive, and i'm not doing you.
  • don't you hate it when you die from not passing on chainmail?
  • going to church doesn't make you a christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
  • hi, welcome to Hollister. Would you like a flashlight?
  • I hate it when I go to bed and forget to turn my swag off.
  • i hate it when i start rapping and people mistake me for lil wayne.
  • i hate it when i'm in an awkward situation and can't find a twix.
  • i hate when i'm shirtless in the woods and Abercrombie takes pictures of me.
  • i understand you got your swag on, but could you please walk a little faster.
  • i'm not weird. it's called having a personality.
  • ooooooh, that sounds a bit harsh. i better put "lol" on the end of it.
  • thank you, hand sanitizer, for telling me i have a cut on my hand.
  • using rock paper, scissors for serious decision making.
jun 20 2010 ∞
feb 25 2011 +