I generally like all idols in the series I'm into but here are my favs

-μ's: solider game trio, pile and nanjou

  • fav ships are the "canon" ones, I like Umishipping a lot too? But I stan nicomaki more than anything, they're well written and in luv

-Aqours: Dia, You, Chika, Arisha, Rikyako, and Aiai

  • I'm less partial to any ship compared to μ's, but I have a soft spot for chikariko, kanadiamari, and youriko

-Cinderella Girls: Uzuki, Rin, Natsuki, Mika, all the cool and older idols LOL

  • I'm not as involved in im@s ships as I should be, but uzurin is top tier

-Bang Dream: All of Roselia & Afterglow, Kaoru, Misaki, Chisato, Hina

  • Still reading thru the stories, so far I like Lisa/Yukina, Misaki/Kanon, and Chisato/Kaoru
may 3 2017 ∞
nov 10 2019 +