Roll the dice to get your number


What sort of supernatural creature are you?

    • 1. Werewolf
    • 2. Fairie
    • 3. Vampire
    • 4. Witch
    • 5. Mermaid
    • 6. You're not supernatural. You're human.

Even supernatural creatures need day jobs. What's yours?

    • 1. Author
    • 2. Taxi Driver
    • 3. College Professor
    • 4. The eccentric heir/heiress
    • 5. Hotel Manager
    • 6. Security Guard

What's your name based on the initials?

    • 1. GPE
    • 2. HIX
    • 3. ORZ
    • 4. NFG
    • 5. LPQ
    • 6. MJW


  • Give us a bit of backstory on yourself. (Be as creative as you'd like. You can tell us what you think each creature is like. For example, if you're a mermaid, do you only get a tail when you're in the water?)


You find your SO. What sort of supernatural creature are they?

    • 1. Mermaid
    • 2. Vampire
    • 3. They're not supernatural. They're human.
    • 4. Fairie
    • 5. Witch
    • 6. Werewolf

What's their job?

    • 1. Doctor
    • 2. Wedding Planner
    • 3. Unemployed
    • 4. Dancer
    • 5. Office Temp
    • 6. Musician

What's their name based on the initials?

    • 1. WRC
    • 2. XPS
    • 3. DML
    • 4. PEG
    • 5. BOO
    • 6. MIS


  • How did you meet? Was it love at first sight, or were you mortal enemies at first? What drew you to them?


To keep up with social expectations, you decide to marry. (Tell us a bit about the proposal if you wish.)What is your wedding theme?


Where do you honeymoon? Where do you settle down?


Spin the dice to see how many pregnancies you'll have.


Three years after your honeymoon, you discover you're pregnant. Your first child is...

    • 1. Boy; First name is something from your family, and the middle name is from this list.
    • 2. Boy; First name is something from this list. Middle name is three syllables.
    • 3. Girl; First name is celestial. She has a double middle name.
    • 4. Boy; First name is the name of a famous book character. The middle name is a color.
    • 5. Girl; First name comes from this list. The middle name comes from this list.
    • 6. Girl; First name has four syllables. The middle name is historical or Biblical.

A year later, you're shocked to discover that you're once again with child. This time, they're coming in two's and three's...

    • 1. B/B twins; Their first names have two syllables. Their middle names are double middle names, and have a special meaning to you.
    • 2. G/G/G triplets; Their first names come from this list. Their middle names are from your top middle names.
    • 3. B/G twins; Their first names are names from your family. Their middle names are names from your SO's family. (If you don't have an SO, then use your fave celebs' names.)
    • 4. G/B/G triplets; Their first names come from this list. Their middle names come from this list.
    • 5. B/G twins; Their first names come from this list. Their middle names are animal inspired.
    • 6. B/B/B triplets; Their first names are from this list. Their middle names are inspired by famous fictional monsters.

Five years later, you find yourself in a position to help out a child who needs adopting. Explain how you met him/her, and what made you decide to adopt them.

    • 1. Toddler Boy; His first name is Russian, and his middle name is in the top 100 for 2013.
    • 2. Girl/Girl Twins; First names are Biblical, and middle names are Greek.
    • 3. Boy/Boy Twins; First names are Polish, and middle names are in the top 100 for 1910.
    • 4. Preteen Girl; Her first name is from your favorite television show. Her middle name is a gemstone.
    • 5. Preteen Boy; His first name means 'strong', and his middle name is Italian.
    • 6. Identical Triplets; First names are a color, middle names are three syllables.

You decide to get a pet, so that you can teach your children responsibility. Name it anything you want.

    • 1. Rabbit
    • 2. Tarantula
    • 3. Lizard
    • 4. Cat
    • 5. Fish
    • 6. Dog

Two years later, you're pregnant with another child. It's a big surprise to both you and your husband.

    • 1. Girl; The first name comes from this list. The middle name means 'beautiful'.
    • 2. Girl; The first name is from mythology. The middle name is from this list.
    • 3. Boy; The first name was very popular in the 1990s. The middle name has an undesirable meaning.
    • 4. Girl; The first and middle names come from this list.
    • 5. Boy; The first name is an occupational name, and the middle name is the name of one of your pets.
    • 6. Boy; The first name comes from this list. The middle name is the name of a country.

This is your last child, so you want to make sure their name is absolutely perfect.

    • 1. Girl; The first and middle names come from this list.
    • 2. Girl; The first name is a flower name, and the middle name comes from this list.
    • 3. Girl; The first name is a word-name. The middle name comes from this list.
    • 4. Boy; The first name comes from this list. The middle name comes from this list.
    • 5. Boy; The first name comes from this list. The middle name comes from this list.
    • 6. Boy; The first name comes from this list. The middle name comes from this list.
oct 28 2015 ∞
oct 29 2015 +