• I get at least one nosebleed a week, daily in the summer.
    • I can't take aspirin, because it makes my nose bleed within hours of taking it.
  • I can't chew gum, it swells my tonsils.
    • I get tonsilitis at least once a year.
      • When I was 17, they abscessed so badly I had to have a feeding tube. The only upshot was that I lost 12 pounds.
  • I pretty much always have a canker sore.
    • ...and got into an argument with a school nurse in junior high who told me these were caused by herpes. Uh, no bitch, that's cold sores.
      • surprisingly, I have never had a cold sore.
  • I am ridiculously prone to UTIs and kidney infections, and always keep Azo and cranberry juice in the house.
    • Cranberry juice gives me the worst heartburn.
      • I am also ridiculously prone to heartburn.
  • I have fibromyalgia, which is kinda major, but pretty random in and of itself, because it basically changes daily.
  • I am allergic to avocados and Vicodin.
  • My pinkie toes swell in cold weather. I buy certain shoes a half a size too big, and wear them only in the winter.
  • I bruise so easily its not even funny. If I'm wearing a shirt that ties in the back, I will have a little bruise on the place where the knot pressed against my skin.
  • My doctor ordered me at the age of 18 to quit eating processed junk, because my cholesterol and blood pressure were not good.
    • He was proud to see that I took his advice to heart and got these things back on track.
  • I developed a hiatal hernia at the age of 21.
  • Not really health related, but I am a chronic sleep walker/sleep talker. I feel bad for my husband.
  • Its really difficult for nurses to draw my blood. Sometimes they try the vein near my ankle bone if they can't get any from the crook of my arm or the top of my hand.
mar 6 2009 ∞
mar 6 2009 +