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I smile, too big.
I laugh, too loud.
I talk, too fast.
I care, too much.
I love, too easily.
I listen, too closly.
I think, too vastly.
I work, too inconsistantly.
I cry, too often.
I anger, too frequently.
I persue, too meakly.
I trust, too rarely.
I stand, too short.
I hope, too high.
I dream, too big.

Too much of nothing is bad enough,
too much of something is just as to...


right nowww? Welll...

  • Jason Mraz (everyday, allday, all the time)
  • The Beatles (also always. Mostly. But since ever and forever)
  • Musical Soundtracks (yes, theater nerd, now thats cleared up) ....

-RENT -chicago -Phantom -Wicked -Grease -Across the Universe (musicals and beatles in one. couldnt be better) -uhmmmm. all. basically.

  • Imogen Heap
  • John Mayer
  • Michael Buble (at times)

to be continued?

jan 23 2009 ∞
jan 23 2009 +

I love movies. Will watch most, other than horrors. Thats a never.

  • Grease
  • Closer
  • Garden State
  • RENT
  • A Knights Tale

more more more. eventually.

jan 23 2009 ∞
jan 23 2009 +
  • Tea. Is a perminent fixture, I would love to never be without if possible.
  • Coziness. I enjoy this. More than most I think, I also think I am specific in how i am cozy but once its known i think its pretty simple.
  • Tights. Rarely wear anythign but. ...see coziness.
  • Big Blankets. Would have one with me always if i could, but i am no longer 5, oh well. ...see coziness.
  • Flats. Again, a staple.
  • Book. In bag always.
  • ...along with iPod and phone. In bag.
  • Grapes. Fruit in general i guess. Could say a Fruit-a-holic i guess.
  • Sleep. I dont sleep much, however, i can sleep almost anywhere.
  • Hugs. I hug lots, i love hugs, love giving hugs and getting hugs.
  • Cereal. Dry, with milk, my ridiculous cer...
jan 23 2009 ∞
jan 24 2009 +