- Gigi (a creamy white Chihuahua I had when I was toddler, unfortunately didn’t get to grow up with me.)
- Honey, a chocolate brown Pekingese (Mum had her before I was even born, grew up with me. Very defensive)
- Bobo, a mottled greyish-black Pitbull (was terrified of thunder and lightning, such a gentle sweetheart)
- Lue-lue, a tan Shar Pei dog
- Bebe, a Red whiskered Bulbul (rescued, had an injured wing, eventually set free)
- Snowbello, a white fluffy male Chinchilla cat with golden green eyes (my very first cat, found him in an alley and he came over to me right away, nuzzling me.)
- Bobby, a tan and white British short-hair fold with big orange eyes (was found abandoned because of its poor health)
- 牛女 aka Princess, a pretty (Norwegian forest like) white cat with gold and yellow eyes (a proper lil princess she is indeed!)
- Ginger, a ginger coloured tabby cat with a white tummy, with green eyes (was found badly injured, infected puncture wounds on her flank, was very aggressive but she’s a lovely and clingy sweetheart)
- 阿女(an affectionate and casual way to address a daughter), a black and white cat with orange eyes (a roach killer, very mischievous, was found running around,climbing trees before I found her and took her home.)
- Bean, a black and brown Chihuahua with no teeth and his tongue sticking out (was abandoned by owner with the excuse ‘my daughter actually has asthma but it took her 9 years to find out.’ Lame af.)
- Baby, a creamy white mongrel (Mum smuggled him back from India, is a spoilt menace thanks to her and has Really bitten [read: gnawed] at me more times than I can count. Raised as puppy by me)
- Charlotte, a medium sized black and brown mongrel, resembles a Doberman (Fun fact, she was named Charlotte shortly after the naming(birth) of Princess Charlotte! Raised as a puppy by me)
- Leonardo aka Leo, a big clumsy and veeerrryyy fluffy brown-black-white mongrel, resembles a very floofy German Shepherd ( Fun fact: he was found in a cemetery, hates Charlotte for some reason, has a secret crush on Baby; low-key a gay dog)
- Toto, a Red-eared Slider tortoise (Mum rescued him from the fishmongers)
- Blackie, 珍珠龜 (trans:Pearl tortoise), a feisty black tortoise that runs [read: flies] after and bites peoples feet, loves attacking Toto.
- Bibi, a common tortoise that’s very cute and peaceful (loves to give his lil paw out!)
- 樹仔, a black and white male cat whom I found crawling up a big tree downstairs from where I live. He was trying to catch birds i suppose. Anyways, he actually came to me; literally came into my arms! I noticed he had a red collar round his neck, so I reckoned he’s just a lost pet. I hung around waiting to see if anyone would come claim him, but no one came looking for him. So I just snuck him back to my place. I also had mistakened him for being a girl, cuz his meows are so high pitched and he was so affectionate like my Princess, not to mention he didn’t have balls. Took me three months to figure it out that he was actually neutered. He loves sleeping by my legs and he purrs very easily and almost all the time. We named him Shu Jai cuz he was found on a tree
may 11 2018 ∞
aug 2 2020 +