• Need to figure out (What's Next?) Message some people e.g Carbon, Riot, Frank, Coach's / international? -Need to start making plans.-
  • Need to start saving money, Planned out expenses, Don't waste money on food when provided. (Evaluate how much you can make this year if you save well.)
  • Keep the relationship stress to a minimum, be honest, When you need to prac make it clear and don't feel bad about it.
  • Don't care what your teammates or the community think about your play, only you should care about it. If your playing bad, improve, if you think ur playing well, Don't let anyone bring you down. Stay confident.
  • Stay consistent at the gym, don't get complacent, Confidence is key to your success. you already know this.
  • Stop making enemys, you let your emotion take over and build bad relationships which makes you play worse vs them, neutral with everyone. Let them think what they think.
  • Manage streaming hours better, 3-6 per week. Don't build it up.
  • Treat yourself with free time, more anime, more ark or games.
jun 30 2018 ∞
jan 14 2020 +