Use this die for each category.

Your full name: Xara Avalon Dekker

  • First name is three syllables. Middle name is after your mother. Surname is an occupation.
  • First name is five or less letters. Middle name starts with A. Surname is after your favorite actor/actress.
  • First name, middle name, and surname follow this initial pattern: KBL.
  • First name comes from here. Middle name starts with a P, L, or T. Surname is Hispanic or Italian.
  • First name, middle name, and surname is whatever you want.
  • First name is after your favorite Harry Potter character. Middle comes from your favorite tv show. Surname is the same as your favorite poet.

Your career:

  • Flight attendant.
  • Dog trainer.
  • Choreographer.
  • Actress.
  • Filmmaker.
  • Dental Hygienist.

Your fiancée (describe their personality):



Where you live:

First pregnancy/pet: Waverly Rachel

  • Boy. First name is a common nickname. Middle name ends with -son.
  • Girl. First name comes from here. Middle name is Biblical.
  • Girl. First name ends with a T or S sound. Middle name is 4+ syllables.
  • Girl. First name comes from here. Middle name is from here.
  • Boy. First name starts with M, N, or O. Middle name starts with R, S, or T.
  • Adopt a male chocolate Labrador. His name has a "happy" meaning.

Second pregnancy/pet: Sheldon Asher

  • Girl. First name and middle names come from your own family tree.
  • Boy. First name comes from here. Middle name is trendy.
  • Boy/girl twins. First names are Irish. Middle names are non-floral nature names.
  • Adopt a female Siamese cat. Her name is a jewel or color.
  • Girl. First name comes from here. Middle name is one syllable.
  • Boy. First name ends with an A or O. Middle name is classic.

Third pregnancy/pet: Nolan Palmer + Brady Moss

  • Boy/boy twins. First and middle names come from here.
  • Adopt a female German Shepherd. Her name starts with a K or Z.
  • Girl. First name is a European city. Middle name is a feminized male name.
  • Adopt a male Tabby cat. His name is after an Ancient Greek/Roman figure.
  • Boy. First and middle names start with the same letter.
  • Girl/girl twins. First names come from here. Middle names start with R or H.
aug 28 2012 ∞
aug 28 2012 +