Use this six sided die for each category.

Your full name: Darcy Nicole Davenport

  • First name is shared with your favorite singer. Middle is a family name. Last name has three or four syllables.
  • First name is of Irish or Scottish origins. Middle name is typically a filler. Last name is pretentious.
  • First name is typically a dog/cat name. Middle name starts with the same as the first. Last name is after your celebrity crush.
  • First name, middle name, and last name are whatever but they must follow this initial pattern: RRR.
  • First name is one syllable. Middle name is whatever you'd like. Last name is Greek.
  • First name comes from here. Middle name is Biblical. Last name is whatever you'd like.

Your career:

  • Motivational speaker.
  • Marine biologist.
  • Police officer.
  • Painter.
  • Food critic.
  • Historical writer.

Your fiancée: (describe their personality)

  • NAB. Surgeon. Wavy brown hair & dark blue eyes.
  • SQL. Bartender. Auburn hair & gray-blue eyes.
  • KER. Landscape artist. Platinum blonde hair & light brown eyes.
  • BBH. Elementary school math teacher. Sandy blonde hair & blue-green eyes.
  • JCA. Masseuse. Curly red hair & light green eyes.
  • RWR. Engineer. Dark brown hair & warm brown eyes.


  • Your choice of an African location.
  • Your choice of a South American location.
  • Your choice of an Asian location.
  • Your choice.
  • Your choice of an Island location.
  • Your choice of a European location.

Where you live:

First pregnancy/pet: Lola Audrey

  • Boy. First name is Shakespearean. Middle name is "unisex."
  • Boy. First name starts with C or K. Middle name ends with a vowel/vowel sound.
  • Girl. First name is from British royalty. Middle name is trendy.
  • You adopt three gray cats: two boys and one girl. Their names must have some sort of theme.
  • Girl. First name is from here. Middle name ends with an -ie/-y.
  • Girl. First name ends with an R, N, or T. Middle name is a non-floral nature name.

Second pregnancy/pet: Rook Austin

  • You adopt a pair of boy/girl love birds. Their names must either be musical or have a "love"ly meaning.
  • Girl. First and middle names come from here.
  • Girl. First name starts with E or O. Middle name has three+ syllables.
  • Boy. First name comes from here. Middle name is two syllables.
  • Boy. First name is a guilty pleasure. Middle name has a Southern vibe.
  • Boy. First name comes from here. Middle name is a surname.

Third pregnancy/pet: (Emerson Sorrel + Alexia Hazel)

  • Girl. First name must start with Y, W, or Z. Middle name is a state or country.
  • Boy. First name is Japanese. Middle name starts with the same letter as your first name.
  • Boy/girl/girl triplets. First names come from here. Middle names are non-immediate family names.
  • You adopt a male chocolate lab. His name must be from a cartoon show you loved when you were a kid.
  • Boy. First name is a nickname. Middle name is very grand.
  • Boy/girl twins. First names come from here. Middle names are trees or flowers.
aug 28 2012 ∞
sep 13 2012 +