• Develop the right mental attitude
  • Aspire to something greater than yourself. Develop a “magnificent obsession.”
  • Possess a futuristic outlook; take the long-range view. Release the past.
  • Develop deep personal integrity. Be someone you can admire.
  • Accept total personal responsibility. Remain in complete control at all times. Do not be manipulated by people or events. Operate on a personal timetable.
  • Be grateful, not critical. Develop a gratitude attitude.
  • Select your friends with care. Minimize people dependency. If you dominate your associates, there is no way for you to expand or grow.
  • Do it now! Decide what habits or changes you wish to alter in your life; make those changes and never let an exception occur.
  • Look for mentors. Mentors who “are larger than life” expand us, mentors in different fields broaden us, and deceased mentors inspire us.

--Dr. Dennis Kimbro

dec 28 2009 ∞
dec 28 2009 +