Teen alters are defined by our system as anyone between the ages of 15-19. For some systems, this may be different. They should be treated as you would treat any other teenager and subsequently talks of NSFW, violent and traumatizing topics should be kept to a reasonable, age-appropriate level around them.

apr 27 2022 ∞
apr 27 2022 +

Sexual trauma holders are alters who hold the memories and feelings associated with the sexual trauma we went through as a child.

apr 27 2022 ∞
apr 27 2022 +

Psychotic alters are alters that help us process the symptoms and feelings we may experience as a result of having Schizophrenia. They often experience psychosis and may hallucinate, have delusional beliefs, and speak in a way that seems strange or abnormal. They usually experience these in a more intense way than what is common for our system.

apr 26 2022 ∞
apr 26 2022 +

Perpetrators are alters who repeat the behaviours learned from abusers of the system and direct them onto others. They primarily direct these behaviours onto people outside of the system and provide an outlet for internalized abusive and negative messages they received in times of trauma.

apr 26 2022 ∞
apr 26 2022 +

Non-human alters are alters that take a form that isn't human (for example; a demon, angel, zombie, robot, inanimate object or ghost). They may have formed due to the system feeling like they are less than or not human during difficult times.

apr 26 2022 ∞
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Low energy refers to the alters of our system that experience a lower level of energy compared to that of the rest of the system. They are usually very tired and may seem sluggish at times.

apr 26 2022 ∞
apr 26 2022 +

Baby alters are defined by our system as any alter between the ages of 0-4. For some systems, this may be different. They should be treated as you would treat any other baby and subsequently NSFW, violent and traumatizing topics should be avoided around them. They are more often than not non-verbal and may struggle with complex situations and ideas.

apr 26 2022 ∞
apr 26 2022 +

High empathy refers to the alters of our system who experience a level of empathy that is higher than that of the rest of the system.

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Frequent fronters are alters that front more often than the other alters in the system.

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Factual introjects (also known as 'factives') are alters that take the form of a real-life person. Usually, this will be an abuser who has hurt the system in some way but some factives may take the form of another person that has relevance in the system's life (such as a celebrity, a content creator, a friend or an acquaintance).

apr 26 2022 ∞
apr 26 2022 +

Depression processors are alters that help us process the symptoms and feelings we may experience as a result of having Depression. They may experience these in a more intense way than what is usual for our system.

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Childhood alters are defined by our system as any alter that formed before the body age of 15. They often know more than the average alter about the system and it's inner workings and have a role to reflect this.

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BPD Processors are alters that help us process the symptoms and feelings we may experience as a result of having Borderline Personality Disorder. They may experience these in a more intense way than what is usual for our system.

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Agesliders are alters who slide between a set of ages, often with noticeable changes in attitude and speech. This is usually between younger ages but can be between older ages as well.

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Active alters are alters who are currently active within the system. Whilst they are active they may not front often and will have varying levels of communication with their headmates.

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Unstable alters are defined by our system as alters who need handled with a bit of extra care. They are more often than not struggling mentally with intense trauma memories and feelings or symptoms of our disorders and will sometimes have behaviors that reflect this. Their condition can vary and may fluctuate over time due to their instability.

apr 27 2022 ∞
apr 27 2022 +

Social alters are alters who enjoy fronting and talking to people outside of the system. They may exist in order to communicate when we are going through a hard time and would otherwise struggle and maintain relationships that would have been lost due to this.

apr 27 2022 ∞
apr 27 2022 +

Religious trauma holders are alters who hold the memories and feelings associated with the religious trauma we went through as a child.

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Persecutors are alters who repeat the behaviours learned from abusers of the system and direct them onto others. They primarily direct these behaviours onto other alters and believe that hurting them is the only way to control them and teach them how to behave so they can prevent further trauma from outside abusers.

apr 26 2022 ∞
apr 26 2022 +

Organizers are alters who organize the information they know about the system (both internally and externally) and help keep communication running smoothly wherever possible.

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Mania processors are alters that help us process the symptoms and feelings we may experience as a result of having manic and hypomanic episodes. They may experience these in a more intense way than what is usual for our system.

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apr 26 2022 +

Internal Self Helpers are alters that holds vast amounts of knowledge about the system, it's inner workings, the alters and any trauma they have been through. They are usually alters that have been around since childhood and more often than not work internally, because of this they might not front as often as other alters in the system.

apr 26 2022 ∞
apr 26 2022 +

High energy refers to the alters of our system who experience a higher level of energy compared to that of the rest of the system. They are usually very excitable and seem to never want to still.

apr 26 2022 ∞
apr 26 2022 +

Gatekeepers are alters that control switching, access to front and specific memories or alters. They also prevent those who are unaware of specific instances of trauma and abuse from learning about them and slowing the system's healing process. Due to their ability to control which alters have access to front, they themselves are often near front and subsequently witness everything that happens to the system.

apr 26 2022 ∞
apr 26 2022 +

Fictional introjects (also known as 'fictives') are alters that take the form of a fictional character. This may be a character from a book, a movie, a TV show, a podcast or any other kind of media. They could have formed due to the system feeling like they can relate to the character's personality, trauma, or ways of coping or the system may see similarities in the character and an abuser of theirs. They could also form due to the system having a strong attachment to said character whilst going through a traumatic event. They may or may not be connected to their source (and if they are, the extent to which they identify with it may vary compared to our other introjects).

apr 26 2022 ∞
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Dormant alter are alters who aren't active within the system. They may remain dormant for extended periods of time and cannot communicate with other alters or front. Some dormant alters may never become active again.

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Co-hosts are alters that act as back-up hosts for when the main hosts are busy or unable to front.

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Caretakers are alters who take of the other people in their system. This is usually those who are weaker or more vulnerable than the others (such as littles). They usually work internally.

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These alters help the system process our anger. They may experience anger in a more intense way than is usual for our system but are much more equipped to handle situations in which feelings of anger may arise.

apr 26 2022 ∞
apr 26 2022 +

Addiction processors are alters that help the system manage any addictions they may have or are at risk of developing. This includes (but is not limited to); alcoholism, gambling, drug addictions, sex addictions, and more.

apr 26 2022 ∞
apr 26 2022 +

Soother are alters that take care of people outside of the system. For example, this may be friends, partners or family that are in need of help (either physically or emotionally).

apr 27 2022 ∞
apr 27 2022 +

Semi/non-verbal alters are alters who struggle with speaking. Many of them are mute and cannot talk. Whilst some may be comfortable typing in order to communicate, others are not and shouldn't be forced to do so.

apr 27 2022 ∞
apr 27 2022 +

Protectors are alters that protect the system and work to prevent further harm or abuse. They may take on physical, verbal, emotional or sexual abuse in attempts to soften its effects on the rest of the system and the body.

apr 26 2022 ∞
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Original alters are defined by our system as alters without a source (a person or character they have taken the form of).

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Mediators are alters that act as situation diffusors when the system gets into conflict. They may be apologetic or even compliant with the harassers wishes in order to prevent the system from being hurt (or in worse case scenarios, being traumatized).

apr 26 2022 ∞
apr 26 2022 +

Low empathy refers to the alters of our system who experience a level of empathy that is lower than that of the rest of the system.

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Hosts are the alters who most commonly use the body. They are more often than not the most frequent fronters and are usually responsible for most aspects of day-to-day life.

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apr 26 2022 +

Grief processors are alters that help the system manage the feelings and emotions that come with grief. They may experience these in a more intense way than what is usual for our system.

apr 26 2022 ∞
apr 26 2022 +

Fragments are partially formed alters that exist to hold a specific emotion or memory or to carry out a single job or function. They usually have not been exposed to enough complex, interactive experiences to develop into a more elaborate, fully formed alter though this may become possible in the future.

apr 26 2022 ∞
apr 26 2022 +

Exhaustion holders are alters that front when the body is tired. They handle feelings of physical and mental exhaustion and are equipped to deal with situations in which we may be too exhausted to function otherwise.

apr 26 2022 ∞
apr 26 2022 +

Complex trauma holders are alters who hold the memories or feelings associated with the complex trauma we went through as a child. The trauma may be from repeated acts of neglect, physical and emotional abuse.

apr 26 2022 ∞
apr 26 2022 +

Child alters are defined by our system as anyone under the age of 15. For some systems, this may be different. They should be treated as you would treat any other child and subsequently NSFW, violent and traumatizing topics should be avoided around them.

apr 26 2022 ∞
apr 26 2022 +

Animal alters are non-human alters that take the form of animals (this could be any animal, fictional or otherwise). They may have formed due to the system feeling like they are less than or not human during difficult times. They may also form due to the system having a strong attachment to an animal whilst going through a traumatic event.

apr 26 2022 ∞
apr 26 2022 +

Adult alters are defined by our system as anyone over the age of 20. For some systems this may be lowered to 18 or raised to 21.

apr 26 2022 ∞
apr 26 2022 +