- ♡ family
- ♡ biases
- ♡ when oppas showing off their aegyeo
- ♡ hangout with bestfriends
- ♡ onew's sangtae
- ♡ when my fav groups winning an award
- ♡ my four years old lappie
- ♡ the fact that i'm older than jungkook (by 8 days, chokes)
- ♡ vanilla ice cream with melted caramel
- ♡ everything's strawberry
- ♡ harvest cake
- ♡ rilakkuma and cute stuffs
- ♡ my bias stuffs
- ♡ travelling
- ♡ books
- ♡ holidays
- ♡ cherry blossoms
- ♡ bubble tea
- ♡ roller coaster
oct 20 2013 ∞
nov 15 2013 +