• what nitro+chiral main character are you?
    • the character i received: you are konoe - curious, caring, & trusting. you are a survivalist & a team player. you try to sort things out as easily as possible, however your emoticons often get in the way. you often dislike how much you care about things, but you couldn't stand it to lose anything you cared about.
  • what mythical creature describes your personality?
    • the creature i received: siren - 2.1 - you've won the hearts of many, but let's face it, you play the field a bit. you're a little selfish & a bit of a control freak, but dang! you're insanely attractive. the ocean's the place you love most. everything about it is alluring. maybe it drew you in the same way you draw others in.
    • the creature i received: vampire - 2.2 - dark and mysterious, you hide from a lot, may it be your past or present. you can't stand foolish people, and hate it when people judge you, but you aren't free of blame either. you are definitely an introvert, and you are scared of hurting people. even with all of this, there are a few people that will never leave you. they seem to be bound to you by some undeniable force. // this is a re-do because the 2.1 didn't sound quite like me
  • which female are you from disney?
  • what's the color of your aura?
    • the color i received: red - a red aura is one high in energy, which shows that you may have some unresolved anger or fear. however, it also shows that you have a lot of strength and passion, which will help you resolve any conflicts. this passion can be in relation to romance as well, as a red aura signifies that love is an important factor in your life.
  • what little mermaid character are you?
    • the character i received: ariel - you are a star. you're beautiful inside and out, your voice lights up the room and to you, "i'll do anything for love" is not just a line from a meatloaf song. go for it, your true prince awaits!
  • which disney villain are you like when you get angry?
    • the character i received: maleficient - maleficent is your mad-match when you're angry. you're one formidable villain that don't just get mad, you get even, you plot and plan your revenge and even breathe fire when you get really angry!
  • which mythical creature is hidden inside you?
    • the character i received: vampire - while you feed by the blood of living beings, they can't resist your charm and mysterious sex appeal. you are awake when they fall asleep, hidden while they are conscious. they fear you, but nonetheless helplessly attracted to you.
  • what -dere are you?
    • the -dere i received: dandere - dandere comes from word dan *shy*. you're calm, polite and rarely speak. many people confuse this type with kuudere, the cool one, what makes you different is that you're more family-oriented and soft than other types. you feel insecure and timid to the person you love. you're afraid that person might get the wrong idea about you. you feel so shy and afraid with your love at the same time. but you're actually super sweet and cute!
  • the boy version of you
  • which game of thrones house do you belong in?
jun 23 2014 ∞
jan 17 2017 +