• Taliesin Baines is young man with an old soul. He left home early and never exactly had a chance to be a normal kid; that’s in the past and a sob story nobody wants to hear– he doesn’t want to tell it either. He’s just trying to focus on the present and bettering himself for the future.
  • Many of his hobbies are artistic in the musical division, like singing and playing the bass. Other pastimes include looking at graphic content of all sorts, partaking in smoking and ingesting the stanky dank, and just generally doing mundane-yet-still-fulfilling stuff. Metal music is probably one of the most important things to him.
  • Over the years he’s managed to make some semblance of positive relationships with all sorts of folks. Hookers, Juggalos, Dungeons and Dragons Nerds– All sorts of fuckers, man. He’s even trying his hand at finding a job and being a productive member of society.
  • Lives with his close homie, Riley.
feb 5 2018 ∞
feb 5 2018 +