start: nov 8, 2023 ┊ end: whenever you're done
complete - ▨
incomplete - ☐
unachieved - ☒
- ☐ go to beach to watch sunrise
- ▨ go to beach to watch sunset
- ☐ beach bonfire with friends!
- ▨ skydiving
- ☐ snorkeling
- ☐ achieve daisy keech abs
- ☐ cut down body fat
- ▨ bowling
- ▨ traveling outside of U.S
- ☐ camping
- ▨ hiking
- ▨ mini golf
- ☐ fishing
- ☐ catch a fish
- ☐ sew a dress from scratch
- ☐ sew a shift from scratch
- ☐ sew jeans from scratch
- ☐ post more art work (10 posts)
- ▨ get highlights
- ▨ meditate
- ☐ try pilates
- ☐ read the bible entirely
- ☐ read 10 books
- ▨ raid the library
- ☐ raid the campus library
- ▨ go to a concert
- ▨ explore a forest
- ▨ explore a trail
- ☐ chase waterfalls & swim in one (preferably during summer)
- ☐ research politics
- ☐ cut hair after losing weight
- ☐ attempt haircare
- ☐ maintain a diet for a FULL month NO CHEATS
- ☐ go to an 18+ club
- ▨ go thrifting out of town
- ☐ go to boutiques
- ▨ picnic
- ▨ take more flics and post more!
- ☐ go to an aquarium
- ☐ go to a zoo
- ▨ go to a rave
- ☐ go bungee jumping
- ☐ get a real tattoo
- ☐ paintball
- ▨ go on a boat
- ☐ make a ceramics piece again
- ☐ finish painting a canvas
- ☐ go to church
- ☐ knit an outfit of choice!
- ☐ make a scrapbook
- ☐ surf
- ☐ go to movies by myself
- ▨ go to movies
- ☐ tennis
- ▨ sun bathe by a lake
- ☐ badminton
- ☐ learn how to play guitar
- ☐ horseback riding
- ▨ go to a party
- ▨ host a party
- ▨ make more friends
- ☐ go to a driving range and play golf
- ☐ get lash extensions
- ▨ make an eye appointment for contacts
- ▨ get contacts
- ☐ remove my wrist and hand tattoo
nov 8 2023 ∞
dec 7 2024 +