Tentative System List:

  • Leo - mentally 21/22 + gay polyam trans boy + he/him + loves video games, science, and animals + current system host + Leo Tsukinaga fictive
  • Alex - 20 + bi trans boy + he/him + loves idols, cute girls, and mobage + Mao Isara fictive
  • Zeke - 20 but regresses often + ??? gender + they/them + demi/pan + original host + very shy and self-isolating + Makoto Yuuki fictive
  • Charles - 18 + he/him + agender + ace + into all things horror and gore + Charles Eyeler fictive
  • Siebold - 28 + he/him + agender + gay + loves to cook and will adopt anyone, very motherly + Siebold fictive
  • Aster - ??? + He/Him + oldest alter + not a fictive + keeps to himself
  • Laurel - 23 + They/Them + Gay + Gendervoid + Loves goth culture and occult things
  • Teo - 18 + He/Him + Gay + Trans boy + Enjoys gardening, playing guitar, and playing with dogs + Koga Oogami fictive
  • Scarlett - 20 but regresses/slides + they/them + fictive of Mio from Ichu

There's more im just tired and lazy yeah!

jun 7 2018 ∞
jun 7 2018 +